09| specto

163 22 11

09| specto

gaze on, regard, observe

Money is the wheel that turns the world. We're obsessed with the rich and the wealthy. Had Nadine been poor, or any less notorious than she is, it would have been passing news. Instead, as the competition goes on, the pavements across Nadine's home start out as little stalls for water and food but slowly turned into a fair with the empty plot of land across her home, a full on fun fair. 

Noah hated the fun fair. It's a pressing reminder of the time stamp on their backs as the week trickles by. Noah only had so much time with Nadine and the threat of someone catching her cat and marrying her one day felt like pressure when he thinks about it.

So Noah doesn't think about it. 

He focuses on her. 

On her silky black hair and alluring eyes. 

They date in secret in her second home. Almost easily, Noah begins to feel at home in hers. He could hug her, kiss her whenever he felt like it. Her smile was always wide and welcoming. 

His parents are not pleased with the arrangement. In fact they're a little annoyed with how little time he spends with them. They'd hoped for more time with him. Noah understands this but it's not enough to stop him from seeing her. From waiting for her messages and feeling so happy he could burst. 

And his parents when they see this, they accept that they're no longer a priority and at least Noah's happy. 

But they watch the news because they dread the day someone finally manages to catch Nadine's cat. 

"I don't think anyone can catch Nadine's cat," Noah's dad tells his mom.

"You say that, because you couldn't," Noah's mom replies. 

But both of them avoid the ticking time bomb in the room that if someone did catch her cat, it would mean the end for Nadine and Noah.

Noah and his family has always been close. Clay, Noah's dog rests on his father's foot while Noah's off with Nadine. The news concludes on Nadine's home and Noah's mother stands up to go fuss over her cupcakes. 

Noah's dad sits there in silence. He remembers the ginger tabby which he desperately tried to catch, not to marry Nadine mind you, but really for the money. The cat was sharp enough to understand what Noah's dad was going to do and outmaneuvered him till his time was up and he was forced to head home. 

Unable to catch the cat. 

And the biggest worry on Noah's dad's head?

The contract won't let you try again. 


Thank you so much for the five votes! As promised, here's the next chapter! 

and also to show you how thankful I am, expect another update today or tomorrow. 

x, Pain. 

Noah's Guide to Catching a Cat ✓Where stories live. Discover now