08| fides

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08| fides

trust, belief, truth. 

Noah wakes up in the car. He didn't drive home last night because Nadine was right, he was drunk. The sunlight streams into his car and into his eyes. It's early, almost dawn and his throat is dry.

As he moves in his seat, he turns to notice that Nadine's watching him. Her long dark hair is neat framing her face and her eyes are alert. She must have slipped in earlier. 

"You know it's dangerous to sleep with your doors unlocked."

"Your house is gated," Noah responds.

Nadine's lips quirk. Then she glances away, out the mirror of his car and into the gardens of her second home. "I'm sorry about last night," she says. 

"I know," Noah says softly. 

Her eyes turn to look back at him. Uncertain. It's new ground they walk on, the whole thing is so new that even Noah's uncertain how to take it. 

"Nadine, I like you. I know it's a little strange but right now it feels like you heard I'm staying for another week here and you thought it'll be a great hook-up, but I don't see you like that. I'd like a future with you."

"Noah," Nadine begins.

"Let me finish," Noah pleads his eyes on hers. She nods. Her eyes are rimming with tears. "I don't know what's going to happen when I head back to Washington. I share an apartment with another dude and I know it's not the life you'd like." 

"Noah -" Nadine tries again her voice alarmed.

Noah holds up a hand. "Hear me out, you don't have any obligation to me. If things do work out with us, I'd like them to. I'd like to have a place with you, and share better memories than second hand memories of us in school. I want memories of us together, doing things. Not you watching me or me watching you do something which is what will happen if we have a hook-up, and we don't take us seriously."

Nadine's eyes began to rim with tears as he spoke, till they overflow when he's done saying everything he's thought of sitting in the car. "I'm not asking this of you now, don't get me wrong. Can we just see how this goes? And maybe, if you still like, you could give us a fair shot?"

The ball is in Nadine's court. Noah's made it clear he doesn't want something temporary and almost dream-like. He wants something tangible. He want's a relationship. 

Her hand touches Noah's hand on her face, holding his hand there. 

His heart is flying. 

"Okay," Nadine whispers.

"Great, let's go on a date tomorrow night. Movie and dinner, how's that sound?"

"I'd love to but I can't, not with the press around." 

Noah's heart falls, he tries to cover up the disappointment he feels. 

Nadine speaks, up, "maybe, we can do a movie and dinner at mine? You can order take-out?"

Noah smiles. For her, he's willing to compromise. 


You asked for an update, so who am I to deny you? Five votes & I'll upload the next chapter ASAP.



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