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I lay in my bed
With nothing to do
I'm too afraid to go to sleep
Afraid of what tomorrow will do

I don't understand
This feeling inside
That makes me wonder
What it's like on the other side

My friends say that I'm great
But I have to disagree
Because when I feel like this
I want to be anyone but me

So here I am
Watching the sun get higher in the sky
As dawn slowly approaches
And all I ask is "why?"

I'm a hypocrite
I tell everyone else to be happy
But it's ok to be sad
When I talk to myself
Saying that I'll never know what it feels like to be truly glad

You are loved
And I know I am too
But sometimes I just feel
Like I don't deserve what I give you

I don't want to be happy
I just want to let the darkness consume me
Cry myself asleep
Quiet enough so no one can hear me

When someone asks how I am
I always say "I'm fine"
Covering up my feelings
So you don't have to deal with the struggles
That go on in my head all the time

Loneliness is a friend
While the darkness of sleep seems so inviting
At least while I'm dreaming
It puts rest to the internal fighting

When I do get  my eyes to stay closed
After the sun is high in the sky
I go into a deep, long doze
That I don't want to wake up from

Then my second problem arises
Not wanting to get out of bed
Getting poked and prodded
But still sleeping like I'm dead

People say that mental illness is a scam
To get more popular
To get attention
To get more friends

Mental health is not a joke
And neither are the ones you make about when you think you're funny
Because the reality is
People struggle with it everyday and night
Not wanting to do anything
Not wanting to have their comfort space out of sight

When you see someone
Exploring the darkness of their mind
Ask them if they're ok
And even if they say "I'm fine"
Let them know that you're there
Trust me, it'll be worth both of you time.

So take this message to heart
Hold it dearly
Spread the kindness and love
For people care about you
Very sincerely


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