My biggest "pet peeves" or whatever you want to call them:

~Please read all the way through, thanks~

-People purposely misgendering people and/or accidentally misgendering someone and not taking the time to learn and remember/acknowlege their pronouns (in case y'all are wondering, my pronouns are they/them but if you call me she/her I won't mind and if you call me he/him I'll actually be SUPER happy someone mistook me for a boy ^^).
If you can't use 0.000001% of your brain space or almost literally no energy to remember that someone is a girl and goes by she/her and not he/him or whatever the person may go by, then that person doesn't need your

-People taking things for granted that most people only dream of (or just taking things for granted in general).
Example: Kid in wealthy family gets expensive Lamborghini for 16th birthday birthday but they wanted a Bugatti instead so they get mad at the person who got them it. (Like, wtf dude. I don't personally like those fancy sport cars but still- If you got me a fucking used 1990-something mini van for my 16th as my first car I'd be happy af that I get to drive a car that I own after I get my driver's lisence).
Be grateful for what you have and stop complaining of you don't get all/any of the presents you wanted for Christmas/your birthday or whatever holiday you celebrate and get present from. Be grateful that you got some. Even if it's not a holiday or you don't get anything. Be grateful for what you already have. I bet you there are a hell of a lot of other people that would love to have what you had for dinner last night or how cool/warm it is in your house. And those people who don't have as much also don't complain as much in my experience because they know the importance of small miracles and the little things. Don't take things for granted. I bet you if you tried living for a week without the things you take for granted the most, you'd be a lot more appreciative of those things. I'm not perfect and I do take things for granted, sometimes without even knowing it like many of us, but the point doesn't get any less valid.

-Racist, homphobes, transphobes, sexists, etc. Or any kind of phobic remark.
Pretty much anyone who discriminates against someone or a group of people or doesn't treat them fairly. Everyone and everything has just as much of a right to live as you do. We're all people. Suck it up and deal with it. People from other countries deserve to live. People who are disphoric and get surgeries or change their pronouns or gender identity etc can't help feeling that way and deserve to live. People who are attracted to the same sex, all sexes, no sex or whatever it may be can't help feeling that way and you can't change that. Love is love and they deserve to live.

-Killing something (bugs, etc.) then being "proud".
(Note: not all people feel proud after killing somethin. Sometimes it's just that they were scared or surprised and it was their instinct. And sometimes it's something completely different. Everying perceives things differently.)
What I mean by this is like when people want to kill a fly or bug something because "it's disgusting" or "annoying" etc. Personally, I'd just pick it up and put it outside. Or if I couldn't pick it up then I'd try to lead/push/coax/round it outside. I, myself, don't like when people intentionally kill other living things whether it's an ant or it's a wildflower they just don't like. I truly believe that all things have the right to live. And no, eating meat is not the same as killing more cows, pigs, fish, etc than will ever be eaten in the first place. Only kill what you can eat (and don't waste foor also) and help keep things as natural as possible.

-Disregarding the planet/environment completely.
Just bc you might not be around when the planet "dies" or whatever doesn't mean you can destroy it all you want bc it won't affect you personally. Unless you plan on moving to fucking Mars in the next week or something, then you have as much of a resposibility to take care of this planet called Earth, Terra, Tierra, Terre, Erde, Dunia, земной шар, 地球, 地球, Dünya, or whatever you call it in whatever language. You can recycle, use more energy efficient forms of transposrtation/energy, plant a tree, throw you apple/pear/fruit core or peel outside intead of throwing it away, turn the water off while brushing you teeth or remember to turn the lights off when you're not home. There are millions of ways to help the planet and most of them are really simple like pushing up instead of down to flush in some public bathrooms to use less water. So don't give me the BS that it's too hard and you can't do anything to help bc you really could if you just stopped being lazy and tried.

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