010 I Love You 010

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It had being a few days since Evie found out the truth and she had processed all of what Millie said and she made her decision.

In the few days the cast and crew had returned home, Evie flew back to England along with both her anties, Millie was on the same plane as Evie only a few rows across, Evie would take glances at the brunette.

Millie looked so defeated, her eyes were red and puffy, her cheeks stained with tear lines, she looked pale not sickly pale but like she had lost a part of herself.

Evie sighed and instantly made her decision about her and Millie, it wasn't easy, with Millie lieing to her for months but she understood why she acted like she did all those years ago.

Been scared and unsure about your sexuality is what Evie understood all to well, she had gone through the same thing but she accepted that she was lesbian, Millie on the other hand, well Evie knew she always had a hard time with acceptance, and accepting a sexuality was a very difficult situation.

Once the plane landed, Evie and Millie got off the plane and collected their bags, they made their way to the car park, Evie was about to get into Emily's car but she saw Millie and Page getting into a car just a few spaces away.

They were going to the same city so Evie decided to ask if she could ride with them "Em, can I ride with Millie and Page?" Evie asked and Emily nodded.

Evie took a deep breath and walked over to Millie and tapped her on her shoulder, Millie turned round and her eyes widened at the sight of Evie she instantly shrank and looked at the ground.

"can I ride with you and Page?" Millie didn't expect Evie to ask that and her heart beat quickened as she glanced at Page, who nodded and they got into the car.

Millie and Evie were in the back as Page set off, Millie couldn't bring herself to look at Evie but Evie couldn't take her eyes off Millie, the girl looked so broken and defeated and yet still beautiful.

"Millie" Evie said softly and the brunette shyly looked up to the blonde "I've made my decision"

Millie began shaking slightly, her heart beat quickens "I still want to be with you as your girlfriend" Millie took a shaky breath in as she thought she heard wrong "what did you say?" Millie asked shyly and Evie smiled as she opens her arms "I still want to be with you, so can I have cuddle or what?" Evie asked playfully.

Millie instantly lit up, her cheeks no longer pale and her smile was back on her face as she practically leaped into Evie's arms snuggling up to her neck getting as much of the blondes sent as possible.

"I was really worried I'd lose you" Millie said shyly as she clung to Evie who kissed her four head "I understand why you acted the way you did, and I'm sorry for taking so long" Evie said and layed her head on top of Millie's.

"your sorry, I should be saying sorry for lieing to you" Millie said.

"well come on then show me your sorry" Millie understood what Evie ment and brought her lips to Evie's and kissed them softly with so much passion, they kept this up untill Page cleared her throat making the two sperate.

They looked in the rear view mirror and saw a smirk on Page's face they both blushed and cuddled up to each other again.

They stayed like this for the full ride as they approached Page's House, Millie and Evie got out of the car and went inside to Millie's room and continued their make out session.

They started kissing with Millie on top of Evie as they explored each others mouths, Evie got brave and squeezed Millie's behind, getting a moan out of the brunette which Evie found not only cute but a mega turn on for her.

Millie made her way to Evie's neck and started suckling on her pulse point making the blonde moan "Millie" she moaned and the brunette loved hearing her name come form Evie's mouth as she kept sicking before lifting up and looking at the flustered blonde.

They stared into each others eyes and got lost in them "I love you" Millie blurted out and went red once she realised what she said.

What she didn't expect was for Evie to smash her lips into hers before removing them "I love you too" Evie said and Millie went crazy in her mind and tackled Evie into a kiss.

That night, it was pure bliss for both girls as they explored each others body's both loving the touch of each others skin and the sound of their moans for each other.

The two may of been torn apart but it was always ment to be.

The end

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