Chapter 11

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I feel the tears rolling down my cheeks as the heat up in the mixture of emotions of pure anger, devastation, and embarrassment. I start to walk, jog, and finally I’m running down the halls of my high school. I was searching everywhere for him. How Could He? I felt the stares from every direction, but at this point I didn’t even care. I finally spot his tall, lean body above everyone else. I run up to him and shove him as hard as I can when I get close enough.

“Ow!!! What was that for?!” Jason says as he turns around.

“Oh, you know very well what that was for!!! How dare you share that with everyone!!!” I say as I back him up against the lockers. I might be a small girl but I know how to take care of myself.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about… Wanna get a little close like I know you’re dying to?” he asks with his flirtatious smirk because I’ve got my face up in his space. I slap him clear across the face before I push him again. “I didn’t think you were one for violence June.”

“Stop it Jason!” I kind of scream, if I had all my strength it would have been a scream but I was holding back a flood of tears.

“Why should I June? I don’t even know what I did wrong.” By now there’s a huge crowd of students around us watching this all happen.

“Don’t you ever think to talk to me ever again! You… You jerk!” I say as I hear high heels walking down the hall and turn my head just enough to see Mrs. Hieghty walking towards us with purpose. Mrs. Hieghty is one of the strictest teachers around. I look back up at Jason and glare at him one last time before turning and striding away not planning to stay in this school another minute. Of course as I’m walking/ jogging to the door with tears in my I run into Matt who is just finishing reading the paper. He looks up from the paper at me with pity written all over his face. I try to keep on walking but he grabs my arm, stopping me. “Let go of my arm. Jason always did that. And if you haven’t noticed I’m done with him.” I say not looking at him. I know I’m still crying because I feel the tears creating racing rivers down my cheeks. He lets go of my arm when I say this.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know. Is this what you told him?”

“Yes Matt. It’s pretty obvious.” I say still not looking at him.

“That’s right, just go run to your replacement for me June why don’t ya.” Jason yells down the hall.

“Oh yeah Jason, because there was nothing to replace.” I say coldly. I guess that got to him because he didn’t answer back.

“Let me help you June.” Matt says as he turns my face so I’m looking at him now.

“I don’t need your help, I don’t need fixing, and I don’t need your pity. Any of yours!” I say the last part to everyone in the vicinity.

“At least let me cheer you up a bit June.” He says pulling me into a hug. I try to resist it but give up and rest my head against his muscular chest. He walks me out of the building as I bawled my eyes out, soaking his shirt with my salty tears. He finally pulls back out of the hug and keeps his hands on my shoulders and looks into my eyes.

“Let’s get out of here.” He says and I nod in response seeing that we were now by his bike. I take his helmet and sit down behind him holding on tight still crying. Matt squeezes my knee kindly before starting his bike and pulling out of the school lot.

“I… I think I… I… Never mind I can’t tell you… not yet at least.” I say at a barely audible level. When Matt stops I open my eyes. He took me to the place he took me last night. It’s not as pretty in the day as it is in the night. I get off the bike and start walking down to the pond in auto mode. I feel Matt put his arm around me, pulling me closer as I rest my head on his chest again. When we get to the pond I feel his arms leave me. Matt walked a good ten feet away from me and grabbed out a box from under a bush and returned to my side.

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