Chapter 14

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  • Dedicado a All families affected by the shooting

Junes P.O.V.

I’m woken up by Damien because last night I forgot to set my alarm for school last night. While falling asleep nothing crossed my mind besides what Jason must have been through and what will happen at school today. At least I knew that I have Matt to help me through the day. Things between us were going very well but we weren’t like officially together. I’ve been waiting for him to ask me out, but he never does. I really like Matt; I love how his eyes totally contradict his hair color, his warm and comforting hugs, his gentle kisses, but most of all I love how he cares for me. I put on a blue, tight t-shirt, my black hoodie and some skinny jeans and to complete it all, my black, knee high boots. To go with it I put on a light dusting of light, pink eye shadow, eyeliner and some mascara. I comb out my brown hair that is very thin and swoop it to one side. With that I take a step back and examine my 5’5” body and approve; at least when I get the stares I look okay.

I get to school and immediately feel the stares of people not as many as I was expecting, but they were still there. When I left two days ago on Monday I had everyone’s eyes on me, now it was only a third of the people that looked at me. On my way in I got a couple pats on the shoulder and a few of the typical; “I’m sorry”, “It’ll be okay”, and even some “Why didn’t you say something?”. I was okay with all the comments it just wasn’t normal but when this short guy with black hair said to me,

“I bet you sit in your room feeling sorry for yourself and cut yourself! Emo!” I couldn’t help it but get mad. I tired my best to simmer the anger but he wouldn’t stop. “It was probably all a lie so she could get some attention because she was sick of blending into air.” With this I threw the hardest punch I could and hit him square in the gut and he bent down. I bent down with him for a few seconds, just enough time to whisper to him,

“Moron!” and walked away like nothing happened with my head held high. I had everyone stares then but they quickly adverted back to the kid a soon as I met their gazes. I walked straight to my locker and found Matt there waiting for me.

“Hey, how are you?” he asked me in a sweet and sincere voice.

“Well besides the fact that I have been getting all these comments and stares, oh and let’s not forget that I punched a kid in the stomach, and everyone knows my ‘secret’. Other than that I’m great! ” I said all in one breath as I just stared at my lack as I dialed in my combination.

“You did what!?” was all he said back, clearly shocked.

“Yes, that’s right, I June Bennett, punched a dude in the gut. That is right I can handle myself!” I was sick of people under estimating me. I can handle myself, I have been for my entire life and I will always. I don’t need a shoulder to cry on, even though I can use it sometimes, I don’t need someone to hold my hand through life; they can all just let go!

“June! Why!?” I can’t believe he was asking me this, how could he be so stupid.

“Because he made a stupid comment; he had it coming!”

“I can’t believe you June.”

“Why? Why can’t you believe me!?” I was so frustrated with him right now. I don’t know why either, I don’t know which frustrated me more, Matt or not knowing my own reasoning.

“Because you think you have to deal with this all on your own! You don’t need to! I’m here for you!” he shouted at me, everyone’s eyes that weren’t already on us now were.

“Have you ever thought maybe, just maybe, I don’t want help!” I could feel the tears of frustration pooling up in my greyish/ blue eyes.

“Everyone needs help at some point June! When are you going to open up your eyes and see that!” I felt as if I could slap him and that is just what I did. I extended my arm out and slapped him clear across his face and left a red hand print on his now raw cheek. His hand immediately went to where my hand just hit his cheek. Before I could slap him again his hand clutched my wrist just inches away from his cheek and threw it down to the side. I burst at that point and break down falling to a kneeling position and cried. I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around me; they were too tan to be Matt’s. I look up to see Jason holding me up against his side and he was glaring at Matt. I shrugged his arm off my shoulder, got up and ran to the safest place at school; the old janitor’s closet.

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