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Here goes and Enjoy. This is fierce ad sexy Vikas Purohit he is what I imagined Sheikh Jurah Aadi would look like.


There we go again. Claiming another Kingdom like it was nothing. Simply a waste of time if you ask me. All I wanted to do was relax and have time for myself. Quite impossible too isn't it. This foolish Kingdoms simply wouldn't back down even after what I had done to their neighbors. I just needed a year or two without this fighting and conquering bullshit honestly it was really starting to get on my nerves. I only took over Kingdoms as a sport and let's just say if they proved to be trouble for me and my Kingdom in future.

"Hamadi can we go home now. I really need a break" I said in a bored expression looking back at my best friend as he cornered a young woman from the kingdom we just conquered.

"Way to ruin the fun asshole." He said watching the woman ran fast as I chuckled.

"You shall have lots of fun when we go home " I said as I signaled my men to pack up and start moving.

"Oh yeah your new tributes are coming yeah? Maybe this time you will find someone to actually care for" Hamadi said as he laughed because of the look I gave him.

"Yeah like you have met one. They all just wind up the same. Boring, needy and only clings for the fame and the money. A fuck is just as good if there are no attachments." I said getting on my horse.

"That being so Jurah, Leo will give you fucking hell if you do not pick one this time. I know am tired of that old bastard bitching about getting hooked. " He said as we galloped on to the highlands back home.

"Shit.. I did not even think of that. Damn it..." I shrugged as my mind wondered off. To be honest I really did want to settle the thing is it's just that I have never found someone to settle with. All those around me were fake. My current Sasha did love me I think well according to him but trust me I know he was fucking someone else behind my back that was garanteed.

Most were afraid to meet me due to the rumors spreading around about me. Being a barbarian, hard headed, angry, cold and heartless you name them all I had heard them. Although cannot tecnically say they are wrong. Being cold was just something in my demeanour that I knew wouldn't change that's how I was born and raised. As for the rest, I just went with the flow. Few more hours and we were finally home.

To say I was exhausted was an understatement. I just wanted to head to the baths, soak and lay on my bed but of course as usual I never got what I wanted. Leo attacked me right at the palace doors yapping all about the ceremony and tributes and I completely zoned him out. I loved Leo to death trust me . He took care of me when my parents died and led me to being who I was today but damn could he talk you down.

"Alab please... Can I at least rest up ..... I just got home from a battle you know. " I said slounching my shoulders as I gave him my signature look of 'please let me be' but he didn't buy it.

" A battle you won in mere seconds. You barely broke a sweat." He said as he grabbed my back. " Look my boy. I really want the best for you. Please choose someone this time. I won't always be here to look after you and you cannot always stick with that nasty moody look on your face."

"I promise I will choose someone if I get the chance and most of all you are going nowhere " I said as I patted his shoulder smiling.

The feast preparations were almost done and I couldn't be more happy for it meant sleep way way after the drinking and teasing from my men and what Leo kept insisting seeing this new tributes he could not shut up about. Hamadi himself kept metioning them.

Everyone was in the dining area when my men and I walked in. It became so quiet when we passed. You could literally hear a pin drop in that vast room. As I settled in my throne, I lift my hand in silence so that people would continue with the feast. Upon que everyone went back as they were. Noise, laughter, cheers and music filled the room.

"Hamadi care to tell us how our Sheikh destroyed the city this time" one woman shouted from the crowd. Oh fuck me... Hamadi had the tendency of exaggerating a lot if things.

I would not be shocked if I found out he is the reason behind all those rumors about me. It's no wonder see me as a cold being who cannot be faxed. I do have emotions it's just that I do not show them.

I shot Hamadi a sharp look and the fool just smiled sheepishly as he continued to dramatize the whole scenario. Food was served and the tributes walked in. Those choosen in the army, those who were servants and those who became part of my Harem. I only keep a harem because  of that stupid  tradition that cannot be broken until I find my beloved. This sucked. Not to an asshole but I really entertained them for my own needs. That was all that it was and to keep Leo from loosing his mind.

I roamed my eyes around the room until I saw him. The look on his face sent shivers down my spine and instantly made my cock hard am not going to lie. That boy looked divine. Just looking at him made want to devour him in an instant. This was really interesting. No one had ever really made such an impact on me not even Sasha and I have entertained that one for along time.

His beauty was something I could definitely not forget. I took my time to take in his features. His rich chocolate hair that had tousled griminess which promised finesse. His eyes were a shade of green that was a mixture of the sky and grass. There was something seductive about them that promised a fire, passion, desire and most of all need.

His lips were a pale pink that reminded me of a rose bud. The top lip was thinner, but not too thin, and it had a natural cupid's bow; the bottom one was larger and more plush. Soft and pouty enough to bite or nibble or most of all suck as I kissed him sensless. Fuck just the though has me riled up. The more I stared at him the more I got hard and got the urge to touch and claim him. His body looked delictable enough to run my tongue on that pale skin of his.

It's as if he could hear my thoughts for the blush on his face said it all. I could see him panting and fidgeting. I smirked knowing he'd noticed my interest in him. I kept my eyes on him as I listened to what the group was saying.

I saw him look around and I definitely knew what he was looking for. I couldn't let him get away. If he did I don't know how else I would find him. The palace was huge after all. The chances of meeting in this place were slim. When he looked at me again, I pointed down and he sat back down his face looking sad but I knew better. He knew better.

Just as I was about to wake up Sasha came along blocking my view on my new sexy little gem. I looked at Sasha and smirked. " If you are at least going to say hello to me, you should have at least soaked. You reek. Come to me when you clean up and don't give me that look. We both know what I am talking about."

He pouted as he stood up running along after I slapped his ass hard making him gasp and the men laugh. I turned to look at me gem but he was no where to be seen. I bit my lip as I swore in the inside. There was no way I was letting that one slip from my hand are least not yet.

"You can ran little mayshka but I will find you and when I do, I will devour you till nothing is left. Let the hunt begin" I said as I chuckled to myself drinking that chalice of wine.


Mayshka- Mishka

Alab- Father.

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