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Here goes. Enjoy


I hadn't seen my sexy little flower the entire day since last night. The look he had as he came was what drove me to the edge. Heavens knows I would do anything to sink my cock deep inside that taunting ass but the thought of forcing him left a foul taste in my mouth. I have come to care for Ayden more than I had hoped. He kept me in a cacoon I couldn't even explain. The thought of anything happening to him would break me. We have been playing a cat and mouse game, chasing each other around but I do not see how long I can take it.

I know he wants me too, I can see it much less feel it. I can see he keeps fighting with what he feels for me and it scares him. One thing is for sure though. My feelings for him went past lust and want. I wanted him right by my side and no other. Just as I was in my world of day dream, Hamadi waltz in my room as if wild tigers were chasing him.

"Jurah..... " He said panting like a mad man

"Will you calm the fuck down and speak? What is it?" I asked getting dressed.

"No need to wear that, Amir is trying to retaliate and he's already gone past the border." Hamadi said as finally caught his breath.

"What!!!!" I bellowed. " That piece of shit, that's why I opted to off him that day but you stopped me."

"I did not think he was a threat at the time. Who knew he was plotting to form an army and come against us? I should have listened... Just when I was about to have a night of splendor this happens....." He said shaking his head.

Hamadi can really be an ass. " Way to make jokes at this time. When I find him this time his head is mine. Listen to me brother, I do not aimlessly kill, I just do damage control. If you conquer a place make sure to get rid of all enemies doesn't matter who.... They may seem harmless now but when they get a jist of what they can do, it's game over for all." I said as I finish suiting up.

" Let's go... A hundred men will do. I do not have time to deal with scum.  The festivals are coming up and I wish for peace. Do not alarm anyone.. simply say we are off for negotiations."

As we rode to the gates I saw my beautiful angel. He looked lovely in white. I smiled to myself then took up the pace. I really hoped it would end even before it began. We rode to the order and the bastard had the audacity to camp right on it.

"Amir...... Why do you wish to do this now?" Hamadi asked.

"I must thank you for saving my life that day, maybe I jus might spare you." He said smirking making me gag in my mouth. " I get to take revenge for my father"

"What father are you talking about?" I said getting of my horse. I raised my had and my men appeared holding his men hostage swords on their necks. " Don't look so shocked, you do know why the call me a ruthless beast, a man without a conscious. Kill them." With a blink of an eye the men all fell down dead. The look on Amir's face was priceless.

"The man you so as wish to take revenge for is not your father. Your father is dead and you killed him" I said as I walked towards him.

" No I didn't.... He was my father, what are you talking about... You killed him I saw it. " Amir said raving over and over.

"Who you saw me kill was a tyrant who cared of nothing else but himself. You gathered everyone who had a grudge with me but what you did is brought them to their death. Do you remember the man who you slit his throat just to please your so called father, that was him.. the man who adored you. I freed you but all you did was cage yourself with hatred for the wrong person. "

"No...No.... It's not true.. it can't be.. " head falling on his knees.

"It's true and you know it." I said as I pushed my sword straight to his chest. "Let me put you out your misery. " I said as I watched his lifeless body fall to the ground. Just as they were about leaving, a group of men appeared with swords as they charged right to us. Fuck I knew this was not going to be that easy.... A battle broke out . Though we won, I had a cut right on my back that hurt like hell but what's war without scars.

"I have a feeling Amir just wanted release..." Hamadi said.

"They all wanted release and who else to give them rather than the ruthless Sheikh of all time. When you live your life believing one thing then everything is not as it seems .... Everything you ever knew ends up meaningless... Let's go" I said as I rode my horse of back to the palace.

"Everyone seems to have gathered in the banquet hall already. I hope to see him now... I had a day planned with him and well you know that shit with Amir happened" Hamadi said as we walked in.

"You really are invested in this one aren't you." I said to him as l searched the hall for my own love.

"He is right over there next to mine. They rarely leave each other behind. You seem to be invested just as I am. Your Uncle will be very happy. " He said slapping my back.

"Fuck.... You prick.. right on my wound.. yeah he will and maybe he will shut up." I saw him and a smile just plastered on my face.

I sat on my throne and raised my glass to officially start the banquet. I looked at him and signed him to come to me and all he did was shyly shake his head. I smirked to myself and when he looked at me I simply gave him  'if you do not come up here right now I will come get you and you won't like it' look and he only blushed more fidgeting. If there was one thing he hated was attention.

He looked up again and I  patted my lap. He bit his lip and slowly got up walking towards me. I saw the looks everyone gave him. Hamadi just smirked and well my uncle had this glittery eyes that completely creeped me out.  Once he got there I simply pulled him on my lap.

"Why do you do this to me.. you know I hate attention" he whispered.

"You were going to get noticed anyway. The games are over little one. " I said as I ran my hand through his hair. I smiled when he bit back a moan.

"Please don't.... Everyone is watching. " He said as he hid his face on my shoulder making me hiss a little. " You are hurt.."

"Not as much as I hurt not touching you... I saw your face love, when you came... God knows you had me hooked.... You are sexy when you cum.... I want you to cum for me again. I want to see that delectable face when you do, hear those sweet moans coming from your mouth as I fuck you, make love to you and make you mine." I said as I bit on his lower lip.

"Please" he moaned softly enough for me to hear. With that I was a goner.

There you go.. I suck at writing fight scenes but do enjoy. Vote, comment and enjoy😘😘😘😘😘

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