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"Are you sure she should take that what if she has a Fergalicious?" Her uncle said, "she will be fine my love" said his soulmate "okay" he said to her. "Catgirl do you have all your stuff? " they asked " yes, wait no forgot to pack my Family items," she said and pack them "now I am ready to go," Cat said. "Good your dragon is ready," her uncle said. " I will see you tomorrow afternoon, Catgirl said to them and left on her dragon to Cinderella castle were her team was waiting for her to come.

At Cinderella's castle ...

Catgirl landed at the castle of Cinderella Clara and Rose Cinderella "Ah Catgirl welcome" Cinderella said "hello" Cat said to her "the girls are in Rose 's room go on up the boys are not here yet" she said "okay thank you" Catgirl said to her.

"Knock, knock, knock" went Rose's bedroom door "who is it," Rose asked "it is me Catgirl, " Cat said to her "hey Catgirl come on in," Rose said to her "thank you, Rose, for an invite to the sleepover" Catgirl said to her. "You're welcome Cat I am happy you came," Rose said to her

So, what are we doing I asked?

Rose was just about to tell us how her date with Hawk went and about tomorrow I said to her" "wow" Catgirl said to us.

Now Rose spill

Okay he was so sweet and, and

And romantic I said to her "well yes," Rose said "How did you know" they asked me. Well, I to had someone as well who I love so must I said.

"Aw," they said to her "So," Rose said, "so what ?" Catgirl asked the girls "Who is the guy" Rose asked?

Wow, she is like my' s sister's best friend but without the obsession of guys, she only has the obsession with shoes I thought to myself. "Well," they said to me well I start to say when "Queen Catgirl, Queen Catgirl, Queen Catgirl your liege I am sorry" don't be snuffling what is it? " My apologies, my Queen, your greatness," he said to Ruby "your Royalness," he said to Astoria Joy and LingLing, and to Rose he said. "My Crown Princess," he said to us. Yes, I said for all of us

Yes, here I said handing Queen catgirl a letter from the Shadow King, the new Shadow King.

"Is this what I think it is?" Catgirl asked Snuffle  "yes, my Queen," he said to her "why in the world does this new King want with The Queen of all "  Catgirl yelled, "sorry girls"  Catgirl said " it is fine,"  the girls said to her

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"Is this what I think it is?" Catgirl asked Snuffle "yes, my Queen," he said to her "why in the world does this new King want with The Queen of all " Catgirl yelled, "sorry girls" Catgirl said " it is fine," the girls said to her.

I think you should read it my Queen I said to her?

Okay I said

"dear Catgirl,
I would like to invite you to the Shadow full moon ball of the new Shadow King since you are the Queen of Demon and as the Queen of all I hope you come Catgirl to the Shadow full moon ball it will not be fun without you my love and well I would like to show the Demon and the Shadow Demon can be one. And someday you can forgive me for disappeared on you that day.
since Shadow King (the new Shadow King)"

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