Living With A Police Officer Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Faith Jordan

Hey Guys!

This is dedicated to a girl who died the other night in a car accident. She was only 15 and the grandaughter of my nana's best friend and the best friend of my cousin. I didn't know her but I've heard some pretty great stories about her. RIP <3

So this is Chapter Two, of Living With A Police Officer :) Hope you like it! ANGELIC_1 WAS THE AMAZING PERSON TO HELP ME OUT WITH THIS AGAIN. Longest chapter I've ever written I think.



Chapter Two

Harmony’s POV

            I lay sprawled out on the top bunk of the bunk bed in my jail sell, tossing a pebble up and down and catching it to amuse myself.

            I was surprised when Stinko and Mr. Pillow pulled a couple strings and got me a cell to myself. Believe me when I say that I did not use bribery to get that to happen. They took pity on me I guess, I am a girl. They are men, put two and two together and see what you get.

            I pull at the tacky orange jumpsuit I’m wearing, glaring disgusted at it. No matter how many times I begged for permission to not wear this god awful outfit, Stinko and Mr. Pillow refused telling me I had to wear it. They didn’t want Stinky to find out about the jail cell to myself even though eventually he will, but they don’t want to give him another reason to pummel them to a pulp. So now I’m stuck wearing this itchy, god awful, tacky orange jumpsuit. Could things get any worse?

            I sigh loudly, rolling onto my knees. I lean over the wall making a scratch to signify how many days I’ve been in the slammer. So far, I have one. One tick. I decided to do one when I discovered a couple under the bed and one on the wall so I thought I might as well do one myself. I collapse on the bed with a moan, folding my hands together, gazing up at the ceiling.

            I guess this is what it feels like to be in jail. It’s not fun, not like it’s supposed to be. Jail is for people to do their time for a crime and think about why what they did was wrong. It really is no place for someone like me to be.

            I understand that I committed a crime and that when they searched me and found the drugs they thought the worse. I just wish that I had done things differently. And I’m not saying that to get out of jail, I really mean it.

            I turn to face the wall, tucking my hands under my lumpy pillow. I close my eyes, trying to get some rest when I hear the clinking of keys and the rattle of metal. I turn to the source of the sound to find Stinky and Stinko standing outside my cell, Stinko unlocking the door. Stinky walks in, yanking me forcefully from the bunk, propping me upright on the floor his grip tightening on my arm.

Biting back a vengeful remark about Stinky’s man handling; I glare at him.

            “Where are we going?” I mumble.

            Stinko looks at me sadly, “To see the chief for questioning”

            I nod, looking down at my feet. I had expected this. They’re going to question me, then book my court session and as much as I hate to admit it, I’m scared.

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