Chapter 12

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Warnings: Mentions of sexual assault, mentions of alcohol, violence, language

Tom's POV

"I've been staying updated on all of the news stories that are being run and there has been no mention whatsoever about any foul play that might have occurred at Pinewood Creek Trail. So, it looks like Bolger on the police force kept his word and has brushed this all under the rug. Their obituaries should be going out in the paper in the next few days. I still can't believe those idiots were bragging to Darryl about how much they were paid to talk to Moriarty," Harrison says whilst scrolling through his phone. I had to fabricate how I found out about Anthony and Vince's betrayal because Harrison didn't need to know about Grace overhearing them.

"Thank fucking god something seems to be going right." I huff out, bandaging up my bruised and bloodied knuckles. After I had to leave Grace's I drove immediately to the Pinewood Creek Forest. I fucking knew Vince and Anthony were dead as soon as the word shrike left Grace's perfect lips. I had considered finishing them off at the cell but decided against it. I wanted those twats' bodies to be discovered. I have tons of fucking people on my payroll at Scottland Yard so I know there would be no way their deaths could be tied back to me through the public's eye. But to Moriarty and whoever else is out there thinking about trying to fucking screw me over, Vince and Anthony's death was a bloody warning. I may not be my father, but I am not to be fucking tested.

"You know I'm pretty impressed that you were able to take down both of those pricks at the same time," Harrison says a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Please, like I can't fucking handle those bastards. They didn't even put up a bloody fight," I state dismissively. "All it took was one good blow to the fucking head and they were both out cold." I pour some rubbing alcohol over the cuts on my knuckles to clean them out, hissing at the pain. "What's the status on the Tap House Bar?" I ask, looking over at Harrison.

"Should be up and running in about 4 months. Moran is taking extra precautions and is hiring his own private security company to keep watch over the bar. Make sure shit like that doesn't happen again. He did say that news outlets have been lurking around the building hoping to get an idea of what caused the fire, but Moran said that he has been keeping very tight-lipped about the whole thing. I'm thinking we could just have the fire department chief say something like, the fire was caused by one of the ovens in the kitchen. The last thing we need is for some overzealous journalist poking around in our business," Harrison trails off at the end, distracted by his fucking phone as always.

"Yea that sounds fine. Have the fire department chief make a statement. Put the damn thing to rest. I don't want people thinking its some sort of big fucking mystery or some shit like that." I just want to be fucking done with all of this bullshit so that I can finally just take Grace on a proper fucking date. One where we aren't goddamn interrupted for once would be fucking nice.

"Will do," Harrison states, punching away into his phone. "Oh and also, Holt and Cascino will be starting tomorrow as your new bodyguards." Harrison gives me a look as if to tell me not to fucking argue with him.

I give Harrison a cold look, but don't say anything in disapproval. It takes everything in me to swallow my fucking pride and accept his damn bodyguards, but I don't feel like getting into this argument with Harrison right now. Not when all I can think about is how the fuck I'm going to make this up to Grace.

She looked so goddamn confused and, even though I don't want to admit it, suspicious. She doesn't fucking trust me and why the fuck would she? All I seem to do is leave her right when things are fucking finally starting to heat up between us. I should at least send her a fucking text. I pull out my phone, walking into my office and closing the door on Harrison who naturally doesn't even look up from his phone.

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