Shinena "Shin" Kasuzetsu (Higaoanna)

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- gets fainting spells sometimes and it ain't fun

- except for the times when Tsuruzo decides to be a knight and catches Shin like he's a prince.

- yeah Tsuruzo is very much in love with him if you can't tell.

- he and Tsuruzo hang out with each other.

- a lot.

- and Tsuruzo makes it veeeeeeeryyy obvious.

- Shin still doesn't know he likes him?? Oblivious man??

- depress™

- the bullies also kinda bully him and the rest of the Occult Club (excluding Oka for some reason)

- not as bad as they are to Horuda but yeah.

- okay but consider Tsuruzo randomly comes over to his house in the middle of the night, spraying a hose all over himself for dramatic effect and he just lets him in like "you're g-gonna get a cold..."

- he lends him a change of clothes, he cries, Tsuruzo comforts him a lot, and then they fall asleep in each other's embrace.

- yes I will make a chapter about this thanks for asking 😌💅

- he's so fuckin oblivious

- like unless Tsuruzo tells him he's flirting he has no idea

- well he thinks "maybe he is??" but then he thinks it's just "friendly flirting", whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean.

- eventually, I'mma just have a chapter where Tsuruzo finally snaps and just goes "oH MY FUCKING GOD I LOVE YOU, OBLIVIOUS DUMBASS."

- has a black cat named Penta (short for Pentagram of course) that he carries in his hoodie pocket or hood sometimes.

- his blush is really visible and he blushes like 24/7 so yeah (same bro my face is always flushed)

- steals clothes out of Oka's closet and he says shit like "Hey, i-it looks better on me."

- it does look better on him, sorry Oki.

- his parents are both hardcore Christians lmao-

- and their sons over here like "no ♥️"

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