~𝐵𝑎𝑏𝑦 𝐵𝑒 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑒~

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Show you,
All the passion burning in my heart, today
It's never going to fade
Baby be mine


"This might be a little too much," I frown, staring at myself in the mirror.

Tonight I'm going on a date with one of my close friends, Michael Jackson. He's been trying to go out on a date with me for a while, pretty much ever since I got out of my relationship with Corey Pacino.

To put it straight Michael helped me get out of an abusive relationship. Corey didn't start the abusing until Michael came into the picture. He always thought Michael was trying to take me from him so he thought if he, 'made me uglier' as he told the judge in court, then I'd become less attractive to all men in general.

That landed him a lump some of years in jail.

It took me over a year to partially heal from the situation, with help from family and of course Michael. He has never left my side since. We've gotten much closer since then, with a little bit of messing around here and there—but nothing too extreme. After many times of asking I've finally said yes to him taking me out on a date.

"Don't overthink it Mia because you know you'll end up wearing some jeans and a top," I whisper, letting out a shaky breath. "He said fancy, he'll love it."

I hear my doorbell ring, knocking me out of my reverie. Grabbing my clutch I look into the mirror one more time, wanting to look perfect for Michael, then I make my way down the stairs. When I reach the door, I take one last deep breath before opening it.

Michael's perfect smile is the first thing I'm welcomed with when opening the door. Next, my eyes travel looking at his outfit and I smile upon seeing him in a tuxedo. I've never seen him in a tuxedo.

"Good evening Mia, you look beautiful," he breathes, eyeing me while biting his lips. He seemed to be caught in a trance but quickly recovered pulling his hand from behind his back. Before me were a bouquet of white and red roses. "I brought these for you."

"Thank you Michael and you look mighty handsome yourself," I say, taking the bouquet out of his hands. "Also, thank you for these, they're lovely. I'll go and put these in a vase inside real quick."

Michael stands waiting patiently at the door and once I return he places his hand at the small of my back leading me down the stairs.

"White compliments you well," Michael says once we get to the limo with the door already opened. I slide in with Michael following my lead, closing the door behind him.  "You look like a glass of milk I want to drink up."

"You don't like milk," I laugh as he moves closer to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"But I like you though, a lot," he smiles wide.

I lean close until our lips are barely touching. "I like you a lot too," I whisper, then place a soft kiss on his lips.

"I've been waiting on that ever since you opened your door tonight."

He pulls my face close again and kisses me letting it linger longer than the first one. I feel him smile into the kiss and it makes me smile knowing he's enjoying it as much as I. When we pull away I lie my head onto his chest.

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