2. window - joji

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Marilyn P.O.V

Still thinking about the ghastly encounter, I tried to workout in a way to temporarily forget all my troubles. One big man trouble in particular. Michael Myers, whether he was real or not, that man clearly was number 1 on my list. Foolish of me to even think that it was a copycat. My brain was wrestling with my instincts over the identity of the pale döppelganger.

Instinct won.

Anyway, I have prepped myself to dance my evening away. Clearly, I wasn't being timed or even performing for a cam show (haha) but I still wanted to look nice. I took a cool shower, drying off before I put on my pink slip. It was the colour of innocence. A parody really, since the owner was far from it. But even that negativity did not deter me from my fitness plan for the night. I did not bother with hoseiery stockings.

What had he said? That I'm pretty? I stared at my reflection in the bedroom mirror. Dark hair, even darker eyes. Fair skin, oval shaped face, Roman nose. Not so full lips. Nothing to see here. Nothing special.

I did not have to be an exotic dancer to know that striptease made me feel hot.

I gingerly sashayed up and down the pole, after a bout of mild stretching. The little dance emphasized my curves as I arched my back against the metal. With my decent nightie now bunched around my waist, I could feel cool air hit the back of my sweaty knees. I freestyled and twirled around, feeling a little silly performing in front of my stuffed toys, but "any audience is better than none", my dance teacher used to say. Their plastic eyes watched my every movement and I smothered a light giggle, before another song played.

I turned briefly to grind the pole. For a nanosecond, I could've sworn I saw a moving shadow in the empty house beside mine. I looked away from the window and tried to be calm, but then an unmoving tall silhouette moved and easily distracted me. Boom, I missed my grip. Blindly, I pivoted straight onto the wooden floor mid grip to land not too painfully on my derriére.

I got up to my feet immediately, momentum now disturbed and mood casually ruined. As I paused the Youtube playlist streaming on my phone, I couldn't help but wonder if what I saw was a figment of my imagination. Dismissing my now sore ass and curiousity igniting me, I limbered to the window and hoped for a glimpse of my unseen snooper.

Was it my mystery man from yesterday? The window person was gone of course, but I could only imagine that he or she was rolling on the floor laughing at my screw up. I didn't blame them. I was the worst student ever because of my clumsiness. I dumbly drew the curtains close for safety, thinking of the figure next door as I stopped my exercise.

That was enough for the night.

The Myers house was said to be empty for decades and yet just now, I saw a person by the window. It only made sense but I wasn't sure if it was possibly a vagrant or a junkie. It could turn out to be a thrill-seeking teen. But it was definitely a long shot that it was Michael freaking Myers. The notorious serial killer was afterall, supposedly dead. Plus, Halloween was over like, a week ago. But in my heart, I knew.

I just knew.

Pushing the thought out of my head, I tucked into my bed. I turned my bedside light off, wondering what was real and fake. I soon fell into a dreamless sleep.


Michael P.O.V

Watching my new neighbour earlier had ignited an unknown desire in me that I'd long denied. She was in a silk nightie but to me, she might as well be naked. Initially, I was angry that she did not bother checking her surroundings before doing her rather scandalous dance. I stood by my old bedroom window silently, spellbound by her modern dance moves. How long had I been away, so absent, so closed off to the world, only to find my nether regions stiffen at the thought of entering my neighbour Marilyn? Fuck it, I would give that bad habit of mine up if I could have a taste of what's beneath her slip.

The foreign feeling came and went as it pleased. I had no desire to act like a hormonal teenager, something I despised, but Marilyn...god! She gave me something that I wished not to feel, but apparently feelings of lust was one that my body could not seem to remove.

What if I was not the only watcher? Her "show" wasn't public, but one could never be too careful. I kept thinking of the other peeping toms and devilish characters possibly lurking in the neighbourhood. Sure, they did not do much crime, but I have seen (and killed) my fair share of local scum. Now that I'm thinking about it, I would gladly kill them all. I did not want anyone else looking at Marilyn like stray dogs drooling over a plate of steak!

Firmly, I shoved that petite girl and her damn welfare out of my mind. Marilyn was not mine to protect.

The voices in my head have quietened down now, allowing me to lead a parody of a peaceful existence. It has been at least one month since I killed. Since then I only ever killed in the forest for food, knowing that although the darkness was infinite, I was lucky enough to be given a break.

It was up to the point where I started to hope for companionship overtime but because nobody dared to be my friend, I only had myself for company. I was certain that the only people remotely interested in me were the police due to the fact that nobody had seen me for 15 years or so. When I came back from Smith Grove, I had accepted the harsh reality that my baby sister Lori left Haddonfield as a teenager. My only niece Jaime was in a car wreck, and did not survive. My parents have since passed away during my time at the institute. Any family, any connection that I had was long gone.


Nobody was here for me when I returned. Only this accursed murder house.

And my beautiful neighbour Marilyn Maddox. Oh, yes, she was there. There was a sensual innocence in her vibe that fitted her like a suit. Marilyn was a definite enigma and she was noticed by everybody. I didn't have to stalk the auburn bombshell in the town to know that eyes were on her wherever she went.

I could try to deny it, but I knew that I have to see her again. Something told me that she would play an important role in my life (or lack there of.)

She could be my friend. Yes.

Maybe she could fix me and most of all, complete my life. Or what's left of it.

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