3. mr sandman - mattrixx

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Marilyn P.O.V

It has been exactly a month since I saw him. I did not know where he was. He could have been murdering the whole town and I wouldn't know it. I was too busy rewriting chapters, drafting pieces of notes and essentially crafting my novel.

Honestly, I thought about Michael more and more as the days passed. Fantasizing about his hands. His quietness. His super strength. I admit, my curiousity has been piqued. Hell, it attracted me like a moth to a flame. I haven't even seen his face yet and my libido was insane. Lately, I have thought of him when I masturbated. I was looking forward to that later. I concluded it as my imagination needing stimulation.

Even writing work, tiring as it was, did not do this to me.

I comforted myself in knowing that he probably forgot all about me. He was the Michael Myers, archangel of murder and mayhem. Of course he would be out to hunt down people and moving on to wreck havoc like some avenging warrior. Or a force of nature.

When nighttime rolled around, I finally refused to acknowledge this odd situation as nothing more than a silly crush. Plus, who would believe me if I told them? Nobody paid attention to the newcomer.

There was nothing wrong with being invisible, right? Sure, if one had killer logic. I half smiled at how much I seemed to have in common with him as I tucked in and switched my bedside lamp off.


I was tossing and turning in bed later that night, when I saw a big shape in the corner of my dark room. I was a crappy sleeper. Only the moon was the main source of light and I was too lazy to turn on the side lamp. At first, I was certain that I was overthinking but then it hit me hard.


What was he doing here?

I wasn't sure, but I didn't doubt his prowess as a lean mean machine for a second. Dude was being a jerk now. He could've made any noise but no, he had to be a silent python.

He stepped forward to show me that he had no knife in hand, to convey to me that he was no threat. For some dumb reason, I believed that he was really telling the truth. Still, I felt intimidated in the moment.

I tried to speak up loudly without shakiness. "You know I have a gun right, Mr Myers?" That was a lie, I did not own weapons. Jerk could kill me if he wanted, none the wiser.

Michael P.O.V

I got up from my hiding place gingerly, watching for any signs of fight or flight from Marilyn. I did not want to startle her. She just told me she had a gun. I wasn't inclined to believe her but I wanted to test that statement.

I breathed heavily behind my mask as I momentarily wished that for her to stop me before I did something that I would regret. She gave me new feelings and I had kept my distance because it bothered me greatly.

Feelings that I have not felt in a long time.

Firstly, she lived alone. She never had friends over, but I discovered that her BFFs lived overseas. She even worked from home. No housemates or pets in sight. I learnt that she was allergic to fur. Her closest neighbour was often away and that she watered their plants like clockwork. She liked going for a morning run around the lake most mornings. She would go grocery shopping every 3 weeks or so. See, stalking was easy when I did my homework.

Marilyn straightened up, as if mimicking me but that movement merely made her pyjamas shirt ride up, exposing creamy looking thighs. I smirked when she didn't bother to pull it down. Either she planned a seduction or truly did not notice it.

Being an asylum freak did not brainwash me but it had been my choice to stop talking and what not. The only interactions I ever had there were the few visits from my late mom and of course, mandatory consultation with hospital staff. The fact that I begged to go home many times as a child troubled me, more so when they said no time after time. Smartly I realized that it was futile talking to a wall-like persona, so I became one.

I was aware that I have not had a woman. No girlfriends. Not even a crush. Not once, not ever. I recalled the few times the mean hospital guards would offer me a tormented female patient, to let me "be a man". Time after time, my unresponsiveness and silence told them greatly that I was uninterested. It was during one of those times that I found sweet escape, as the guards touched my things when they did their dirty work in my bed. Nobody should ever touch my things.

I did not like the fact that I had to end them. But in a way, I had to take what was left of my miserable life back and return home. I remembered the moment I snapped the security guard's neck without remorse and pressed onto the green button that released the gates of other patients. They covered me; and did so successfully when I made my way out. Deep down, I knew that I did not belong in Smith Grove like a caged animal.


Now, seeing how lovely Marilyn looked, vulnerability present in her crystal eyes, nearly naked on her bed made me want to do something else entirely.

I came closer to admire her svelte figure. She was a work of art, like Venus de Milo. Marilyn's skin tone reminded me of caramel or a peach. Something sweet. Musing to myself, I could only imagine what she was thinking. One of them, I'm sure, was the being the prey in this cat and mouse game. She was so delicate that I bet that I could break her.

Of course, that's not what I came here for. Not my Marilyn. Never.

Marilyn was different. She was not a stupid teen who did bad things in my house, she was not a mean bully who harassed me in school and she was not a strict doctor at the hospital; she was above all of those things that life threw at me. She did not deserve my wrath and I would gladly prove it to her.

I had all the time in the world to make her mine. I absentmindedly patted the keys to my home, where fresh locks sat in place. Good luck to those dumb enough to trespass! I had no desire to be interrupted.

Marilyn was my sole focus this evening.

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