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I immediately pushed Jimin away from me as I stared at the person who barged in my room.

"KIM TAEHYUNG!!!" I yelled loudly.

I heard a groan from the side, as I realized I had pushed Jimin too harshly.

I quickly went up to him and helped him get up.

"I-.. I am so sorry Jimin!" I exclaimed.

He just nodded his head and sat on my bed.

I turn my attention back to Taehyung and ask "Why are you here?"

He smiled cheekily.

"Can't I visit my cousin?" He asked.

"You can, but don't go barging into my room like that!" I said.

He nodded his head while saying "Yeah, yeah. But mind telling me who this cutie is?" He said pointing towards Jimin.

Jimin blushed slightly.

"O-oh right! Jimin meet my cousin Taehyung. And Taehyung meet my hybrid Jimin!" I said smiling.

"Well... Nice to meet you Jimin!" Taehyung said happily.

"N-nice to meet you too Taehyung!" Jimin smiled shyly.

From then on Taehyung and Jimin kept on getting to know each other, practically ignoring my existence!

But before they could chat for too long, somebody knocked on the door.

Taehyung opened the door.

"Prince Taehyung and Princess Y/N, you both are called downstairs." The maid said.

I looked at Taehyung as he nodded.

We both got up and Taehyung headed out first.

I looked at Jimin as he stared innocently at me.

"Well... get up you're coming with us." I told him.

"O-ok." He responded.

We both walked together side by side.

As we walked down the stairs I saw my parents talking with Taehyung.

When we finally got to them I asked "Yes, you called us?"

They both nodded their heads.

"We did, but before that who is this hybrid?" My mom asked.

"Ah... his name is Park Jimin." I said.

Jimin then bowed to them.

"Hmm.. very well. But what is he still doing here?" My dad asked.

"I adopted him!" I exclaimed.

"You WHAT?!" My dad yelled out.

When I looked at Jimin I saw his ears flattening.

"Dad.. I adopted him because he doesn't have an owner, plus I have nothing else to do here! I need more friends dad!" I said.

"Sweetie, we understand that you want a friend. But you could've told us first so we could have got all his things ready!" My mom said smiling.

"Oh.... So you're fine with me adopting him?" I asked.

"Of course sweetie, I was just shocked because you didn't tell us first." My dad said.

When Jimin heard what my parents said his ears went back up, and they were a tad red.

I smiled widely.

"Okay! But don't worry I will buy the stuff for him tomorrow!" I said.

My parents nodded.

"Now why we called you here is very important, so please think hard about the question." My dad said.

Taehyung and I nodded.

"What is better for dinner pork bulgogi, or gangjung chicken?" My dad said seriously.

"SERIOUSLY?!" I exclaimed.

"Did you really call us down here uncle, just to ask which is better?" Taehyung asked.

"Of course!" My mom said.

"We all know that gangjung chicken is WAY better than pork bulgogi!" My dad said.

"No! Pork bulgogi is WAY better than gangjung chicken!" My mom responded.

"You know what, fine. I like pork bulgogi." I said.

"Well I like gangjung chicken." Taehyung said.

"Aha! Now it's a tie!" My dad said.

"No why don't we let Jimin vote too!" My mom said smiling at Jimin.

We all turned out attention to Jimin.

"So Jimin, my guy, what do you like more pork bulgogi or gangjung chicken?" My dad asked.

"I.... Uh...- I like both.." Jimin said quietly.


"You know what? If we're going to argue about this just make the chefs cook both for dinner!" I said.

"Fine. But pork bulgogi is still better than gangjung chicken!" My mom said.

"No gangjung chicken is better than-

"Uncle and auntie were going to head back up now! See you later!" Taehyung said dragging me and Jimin with him.

Hello author-nim here~!
Hehe I hope you're all liking the story so far!

qotd : What is your favorite kdrama?

Mine is Sassy Go Go!

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