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I look up to the voice to see
Queen Min, in other words, auntie.

"Oh auntie!" I said as I got up to hug her.

"My princess! I heard you got yourself a man, specifically a hybird!"

I nodded my head slowly.

"Sweetie! I heard that they're practically bounded to you like soulmates?"

"Erm.. Yes."

"That's amazing darling! After twenty one years of being single, you finally get yourself a man who can't break up with you! Amazing! I just hope he knows how to take care of you when your on your period Ms.Grumpy Pants."

"Auntie!" I said whining trying to indicate the fact Jimin was just a couple steps away.

"So... Where is the man?"

I pointed in the dining table to see Miso and Yoongi talking to Jimin.

"W-when did you both get here? And why!" I asked.

"Well hello to you too brat!" Yoongi said.

"Yah you-

I got stopped from what I was going to say when I was tackled with a big hug.

I immediate say the light brown hair and I knew who it was.

"Yah!" Miso whisper shouted.

"What?" I whispered in response.

"You didn't tell me he was this hot!"

I was about to respond when I saw Jimins red face.


He has cat ears.

Better than us humans.

I gave him a glare and he immediately turned away to talk to Yoongi.

Before I could talk more with Miso, I felt someone ruffle my hair.

I look up and smile.

"Oh, uncle! Hello!" I said and gave him a hug.

"Hey Y/N! How have you been?"

"I've been fine!" And so on the conversation went on and eventually Miso and I caught up with one another.

I went to the table to see everyone already sitting down besides Miso and I.

I gave my my mom and dad a kiss on the cheek and went to sit next to Jimin and Miso.

Miso Y/N Jimin
Dad Mom
Uncle Auntie Yoongi

Once we were all seated we thanked the chefs and maids, and immediately ate.

After eating Miso and I went to my room as Yoongi and Jimin went to his room.

Before they could go in I have Jimin a quick hug.

"I'll see you later okay." I said while hugging Jimin still.

He nodded his head.

Nobody let go of the hug until we heard a cough.

I turned to see Miso and Yoongi.

"Come on Y/N we gotta talk about things!" I pulled out of the hug and nodded.

"Yah Yoongi, be nice to Jimin alright!" I said as I opened my bedroom door.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. And I hope you know it's oppa!" He said.

I stuck my tongue out and went in my room with Miso, slamming the door in there face.

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