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"So a heat is were we suddenly feel hot in our body and... aroused." Jimin said blushing.

Oh boy you're not alone I'm blushing too.

"Suppressants help us control our hormones."

"Oh.. But if you don't take suppressants?" I asked.

"Well.. Then we would need to mate." Jimin said.

"And mate can refer to two things. First, is "Mate" we're practically bounded to them, so in other words they would be soulmates. And second "Mate" would be you'd have to do "IT" with your partner."

oh... OHHHH-

"So... since you will eventually go through your heat, what do you want to do about it." I asked shyly.

"Oh... I'll just take suppressants." Jimin said quickly while blushing.

i nodded my head.

"I suppose since you're with me, you don't have a mate?" I asked.

"Hmm... Yeah, I don't have a mate... But I think I have a clue on who it is." Jimin said smiling slightly.

My heart suddenly hurts...

"Ohhhh! Mind telling me on who you think it is?" I said leaning closer to him.

He blushed.

"I have to confirm it first... I'm not really sure yet." Jimin said.

I nodded my head.'

"Oh okay." I said.

I looked at the time and saw it was past nine once again.

"Jimin, I'll get ready to bed early tonight since I feel a bit tired." I said getting up from his bed.

"Okay then, goodnight Y/N!" Jimin said with a smile.

"Goodnight kitten." I said opening the door and leaving.

(Park Jimin POV)

Once she shut the door I couldn't help but think. If my theory is right, then that would mean... Y/N is my mate! Her scent already drives me crazy, and my heart flutters every time she smiles, and when she calls me nicknames I'm done for! I should really try to figure out tomorrow so that I can tell her!

But wait.. What if she hates me being her mate? I don't want that to happen! But it won't happen right? I could hear how her heartbeat quickens every time I'm near, and how she also blushes when I smile... Even if you're not my mate, I would go back to you every time.

After thinking for a while, I got to the bathroom and get ready for bed.

Once I was done i laid down on my bed thinking of how I can identify is she was my mate. As I was thinking I immediately fell asleep with the thought of her in my mind.

(Kim Y/N POV)

"Y/N!" A voice shouted happily behind me.

I turn around to see Jimin holding flowers behind me.

I smile.

"Hey babe!" I said.

he smiled sweetly back.

"You know what day it is right?" Jimin asked.

I nodded.

"Of course..."

"It's our three year anniversary together!" We both said together.

He pulled me into a sweet kiss, to which I responded too.

"I love you Y/N." He said smiling.

"I love you too Jimin."

And then everything turned into a blur.

I open my eyes to see my bedroom ceiling.


So that means...


"AGHHHHHHHHHH!" I yelled into my pillow.

Before I could scream any longer the door opened.


Hello author-nim here~!
I bet you all can guess who opened the door already.

qotd : How tall are you?

I'm five feet. I'm short I know. But hey, I'm STILL GROWING~!!

My Calico Cat pjm ✓Where stories live. Discover now