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Minho was frightened to say the least. When the male voice hung up he wasn't sure what to do. Was he seriously going to make him do his job for free?

be my genie...

Minho paced around so many times it seemed like he was forming holes in the carpet.

"hey Minho, do you want-"


Minho lived with a roommate who was also his business partner.

"wait, chan. Have you gotten any weird phone calls?"

"No, why?"

"Someone found the phone..."

"wait really? Did they call you? What did they say? What did you say?"

"uhh well he's blackmailing me..."

"of course, but what does he want?"

"He wants me to do the job for free...anytime he wants."

Chan tilted his head to side and scratched the top of it. He did this whenever he was confused or nervous.

"so basically he wants you to be his slave?"

Minho never really thought about it like that. When the male said "genie" he thought of it just like that, forgetting that genies only grant 3 wishes.

"I-I guess so..."

Now the room was filled with two boys pacing around, wearing the carpet down.

"did you try tracking the phone?" Chan asked.

"duh! That was the first thing I did when I realised it wasn't weighing down my back pocket anymore. It's no use looking for it, they've turned the location off, and I've been so many places today it would literally take a whole day to retrace my steps." He continued.

Chan and Minho sighed in unison and sat on the bed.

"what should we do then? We can't put business on hold..."

"no, no , no of course not. We'll just use only your phone for a while."

"how will anyone know that you're not available? What if that guy replies to your texts, but doesn't fulfill any of their requests? We'll lose business."

"Ah, uhh, just let your main people know so they can let others know. And post on your Instagram, make it subtle."

Chan nodded and left the room.

Whoever this was, was obviously just bored.


All Jisung could think about was the phone call. He kept replaying it in his head. This was the most excitement he'd had his entire life. Finally, everyday would hold something different.

"what should I make him do first?" He thought aloud.

Jisung had a hard time thinking about what to make him do. He wasn't the kind of person to request what all the people in his messages had been asking for. He wanted something different. But what?

There it is. School's familiar aroma. It stung Jisung's nose a bit as he inhaled. Today he'd brought the phone with him with the intent to call the owner. He'd go to some quiet place, that wasn't his house, and taunt the male.

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