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"so Han... you're in my last period class right?"


"well since we have a class together, do you wanna hang out after school?"

"yeah sure, just text me any time." He said holding his hand out. Minho was confused at first but then he realised Jisung was motioning for him to hand him his phone.

"ah here you go."

He had already unlocked it and went to the "add contact" screen.

The male typed in his number and quickly gave it back.

"han jisung." He read the contact name aloud.

"guys the food's here!" Changbin said, interrupting them a little bit.


"so you and Minho?" Changbin said prying as he walked him home.

"no." Changbin frowned.

"awe why not?"

"because no."

Changbin rolled his eyes.

"well tell me how your "hang out" goes."

"will do." Perfect timing. They'd just arrived in front of jisung's house.

"bye bye." Jisung said while waking into his house.

After showering, Jisung laid in bed digging around in the lost phone some more. Every time he looked there was something new. He wondered rather he should call the boy to keep him entertained for a little bit until he fell asleep.

fuck it, why not?

The phone rang two times before he answered.


"what do you want?"


"ew no. seriously what do you need I'm busy."

"hmm too busy to send me a picture?"


"oh I hope the police aren't too busy then..."

"okay okay! What picture do you want?"

"you. shirtless. make it quick."

The boy hung up.

I know this little shit did not just-

The phone dinged. He opened the message and looked at the picture.


His body shape was perfect. Even if he did have pants on the older could imagine what he looked like without.

Jisung liked the message and fell asleep, thinking about the picture.

As his last period approached he got more and more excited to hang out with Minho. He felt weird juggling two boys around in his mind, but he brushed the feeling off and walked into class.

Minho was sitting in his seat looking down at his phone.

Jisung decided to text him.


Minho looked up at Jisung who was still standing in the doorway of the classroom.

hihi. r u gonna come sit down? ☠︎

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