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Minho walked in school with hope of finding someone who looked like the description he'd typed in his notes.

"I'll airdrop you the note and you look around too, okay? Don't goof off." Minho demanded.

"of course not. You're not the only one concerned." The older said. "but what if we don't find anyone here? How will we search the other school?" Chan continued.

"we'll figure that out later, let's just focus on our school for now."

"but we won't see everyone in ou-"

"if you say but one more time omg. Look, I have a plan."

"okay... whatever you say. I hope you weren't expecting me to say I had one too." He laughed, referring to yesterday.

"no. I really have a plan. It may be a bit hard to carry out but I'll text you when I'm ready."

Chan nodded and walked away, not bothering to walk him to class.

It was his third class of the day. The perfect time. Right before lunch and right after the last physical education class of the day. Yes, there's still p.e in college. It only took up two periods because it was that unnecessary.

"Mr. Jeon can I go to the restroom please?" Minho asked smiling a bit. Not really paying attention, the teacher shooed him out with his hand and went back to reading from the textbook in front of him.

"page 47, chapter 4, knowing which elements gain or lose electrons..."

The professor's voice started to fade out the farther he got from the classroom. Minho was kind of nervous to go through with his plan, but he powered through it because hopefully he would find the guy.

"stand on the north side of the campus and watch everyone as they come out to see if anyone matches the description. I'm pulling the fire alarm. Tell Seungmin and Felix to stand on the east and west sides."

Chan read the messages immediately and sent a thumbs up in response.

"He's so lame." Minho thought aloud. Beginning to hear footsteps, Minho quickly uncovered the fire alarm and pulled it, the alarm immediately sounding through the school. He walked away trying not to draw attention and rushed to the bathroom, stepping right back out the second he got in there to make it look like he'd just walked out the bathroom.

A fake surprised look spread across his face as he pulled out his phone and looked at the description.

About 169 cm.

"he's shorter than me?" He asked himself.

Dark blue hair, but not near black. Lightly tanned skin. Dark makeup. Kind of a squirrel or chipmunk looking face. Perfect facial features. His head was a weird shape. Round at the top with a slanted jawline.

Minho monitored every student coming out of the south entrance. He'd memorised the description enough that he didn't need to look at his phone every second.

Surprisingly there were a lot of people with dark blue hair, but most of the kids at his college were really pale and white washed so it wouldn't be too hard to pick out the tanned students.

"169 centimetres?" There were a lot of short people.

"anyone fit the description?" He texted Chan.

Chan thumbs downed his message and started to text.


"I'll ask Changbin and Seungmin."

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