Chapter 7

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Before he and Cookie could go to the door, Lincoln was grabbed from behind and was slammed against the wall. One of his older sisters, Lori was glaring at him.

"What the hell you're doing, Lori?!" Lincoln demanded.

"How could you do this?!" Lori screamed with anger boiling in her blood. "I'm going to turn you to a human pretzel for this, twerp!"

"What does that fucking matter to you?!" Lincoln yelled back. "All you care about is your precious Bobby instead of your own brother!"

"Shut the fuck up! Because of you, I won't be able to keep my future with Bobby because you refused to be together with Ronnie Anne, and now you got that little whore pregnant!" Lori screeched. "You ruined my happiness!"

That had finally broke the camel's back. 

"Because I love her, Lori! You never even give her a chance when we started dating!" Lincoln snapped. "Ever since Ronnie Anne dumped me, Cookie was the only one there for me! Because she loved me, and I love her! I'm not leaving her or my child! So, you can kiss your "future" with Bobby goodbye! You don't fucking scare me anymore!"

"Why you..." Lori said as her eyes turned bloodshot and began froth in fury and Cookie couldn't take this of this bitch was treating Lincoln, her own brother.

She couldn't take it anymore. He was the man she loved and he loves her. Her eyebrows flared and punched her in the face and roundhouse kicked her to the floor, causing Lori to fall to the floor in pain with Cookie glaring coldly at her.

"Don't talk to my Lincy like that! You should be happy that he has someone who loved him as much as he loved me!" Cookie shouted, defending Lincoln.

As she said that, Lori glared at her with huge hatred and slapped her in the face. Cookie fell to the floor and rubbed her cheek in pain and sees Lori looming her ominously.

"If Lincoln won't listen and fix my future with my Bobby, then I will hurt you to make him! I refused to have you as my sister in law or that unborn spawn in this family!" Lori said darkly, cracking her knuckles.

Cookie shielded her swollen belly. As Lori was about to harm Cookie. Snarling, Spitz latched his teeth onto her arm, biting hold of her arm, causing Lori to scream in pain, drawing blood.

The Akita then stood in front of Cookie protectively, growling and barking at Lori aggressively, showing his teeth and ears laid back.

(Here's how Spitz acted dangerously towards Lori for threatening Lincoln and Cookie)

"You fucking mutt...!" Lori roared and she pulls out a club and tries to hit the dog with it, but Spitz bites hold of the club and pulled it out of her hand and began attacking her, biting her arms and face, filling the house with her screams of pain and blood was staining the wall.

"Spitz, no! Stop! Let her go!" Lincoln said, pulling the Akita by the collar, pulling him away from Lori.

Lori holds her bloodied, bitten arm in pain and she glared at them with fury. Her face and arms were covered in bite marks by the angry dog that her brother kept, tears falling down her eyes.

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