Chapter 8

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Lincoln and Cookie quickly escaped from their feuding families as the parents see what happened, Lori was on the floor, crying, was blooded and bitten.

Spitz growled dangerously at Lori, while standing in front of Cookie protectively, 

"Lincoln, come back!" Luna cried, tears falling from her eyes.

Lincoln kissed her forehead and Cookie nuzzled her head to his neck, wrapping her arms around her stomach.


Lincoln pets Spitz who licked him in the face and lies down and lays his head on his master's lap, tail lashing slightly while Cookie gently pets him lovingly, much to the dog's comfort.

Lincoln singing:

Always there.

To warm you in the winter.

Always there.

With shelter from the rain.

Always there.

To catch you when you're falling.

Always there to stand you up again.


Cookie singing:

By your side.

In seconds if you ask it.

Arms out wide.

To welcome you to stay.

Near enough.

To listen to your heart's song.

Always there to help you on your way.


Lincoln singing:


Both singing:


Lincoln singing:

What is a family?

Caring and devoted hearts.

Cookie singing:

With endless love to share.

Lincoln and Cookie singing:

Love that will follow you everywhere.

Lincoln singing:

Always there.

To welcome you in winter.

Cookie singing:

What is a family?

Lincoln singing:

Arms out wide.

To welcome you to stay.

Lincoln singing:

Right by your side.

Cooking singing:

Near enough.

Lincoln and Cookie singing:

To listen to your heart's song.

Lincoln singing:

Always there to help you on your way.


Cookie singing:

Always there.

Lincoln singing:


Cookie singing:


Both singing:


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