work #3

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I started my new work! 

this is the description. Hopefully, it's as good as I think it is! 

After giving her ex the 'Closure' he needed to move on, Sloane runs into parasitic infected people at a party. Next thing she knew, Sloane was infected while fighting off an Alien creature.

But her transition from having control of her body to human meat sack for the creatures to inhabit was different. She was immune to the parasite in her body. Sloane could control the alien side or her human side.

But will having control over her infected body be easy to live with when finding her way around the new apocalyptic world? Will others accept Sloane as the Alien creature she is or try to execute her for having a parasite inhabit her body?

idk, that's it.

i already have 2 chapters, but the first two are about confronting her ex and it's not very Sci-fi-ee. so imma wait till I have at least three chapters to publish. 

I also have to make a cover for it too. that takes allot of time.


ttyl, loveys! 


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