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I have a really bad memory. Past trauma has made it very difficult to remember things that have made me uncomfortable, annoyed, angry, yadda yadda. 

Buuuuuut not embarrassed. Which I think is idiotic. If my brain is just going to block all uncomfy memories, why not the ones that made me embarrassed? 

Anyway, the memory I wanna share is quite the show. It's really weird.  it's been haunting me because one of my sisters has that 4th grade teacher and is studying her tinny little script for a virtual play. 

When I was in 4th grade, my teacher had us rehearse a Lil' play about Christopher Columbus and his time discovering the land with the Indians. 

(I don't remember all the details because this was about 7 years ago, but I'll try my best)

My part in the Play was an Indian asking Christopher C. "Why all the clothes? Aren't you hot?"

And being me, I took this role to the next level. The morning before the little show I made my very own costume. (We were not issued costumes, it wasn't necessary because the play was 10 minutes long. I just decided i need to have one to make my part more real.

Later on that day, i put on my costume and go into position for my role. When my time came, i asked Christopher C. his question, unfurled my towel and showed off my nifty costume.

Everybody was shielding their eyes, yelling "ew!!" and laughing. I had on a kids croped shirt and a pair of tiny little pj shorts. 

I was not a skinny child. I was quite chubby. 

I don't know what was going through my head when i decided to bring that to school. But heck was i embarrassed. 

Yep. that's my life. 

And i even continue to do do things that are outside the box. I'm an introvert who likes to do weird and crazy things.

KK, Bye peeps.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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