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The Gang continued walking until the view of the valley was in front of them. “The Earth Kingdom city of Omashu!” Aang yelled in happiness. “I used to always come here to visit my friend, Bumi,” He continued. “ Wow. We don't have cities like this in the South Pole.” Katara exclaimed. “They have buildings here that don't melt!” Sokka said in amazement. Y/N’s mouth was agape at how the walls were crisp clean with no ‘popcorn walls’. “Well, let's go slow pokes! The real fun is inside the city!” Aang launched himself into the air and landed farther down the hill. “Wait, Aang! It could be dangerous if people find out you're the Avatar.” Katara stopped him. “You need a disguise.” Sokka said,putting his hands on his hips.. “So, what am I supposed to do? Grow a mustache?” Aang asked. “Hmmm..” Y/N pondered before turning towards Appa. “I got an idea!”. The next second Aang was wearing a huge fake head of hair and a mustache made out of some of Appa's hair. “Ohh, this is so itchy” He scratched his head underneath the wig. “Hey! Stop, I worked hard making this!” Y/N tightened the rope around the weave. “How do you live in this stuff?” Aang asked his Bison. Appa grunts at him in response. “Great! Now you look just like my grandfather.” Sokka sat on a big rock nearby. “Technically, Aang is 112 years old.” Katara pointed out. “Now let's get to skippin', young whippersnappers! The big city awaits.” Aang said,picking up his staff and using a fake, old man voice. Aang begins to walk hunched over, using his staff as a walking stick. “You guys are gonna love Omashu. The people here are the friendliest in the world.”Aang said happily.A rough voice was heard. The four stop short at the sound.  They looked up to a view of the city gate just up ahead. A merchant is trying to get into the city, but the three guards are giving him trouble. “Rotten cabbages! What kind of slum do you think this is?” The guard was holding one of the offending cabbages. He crushes the cabbage in his hand, knocks those in the merchant's arms over the side of the access road. The guard then earth bends a lump of the ground, knocking the merchant's cabbage cart high into the air and over the side of the access road. The cart and all the merchant's cabbages plunge hundreds of feet to the valley floor below. “Noo! My cabbages!” The merchant shouted dramatically.The merchant looks over the side of the road as he laments.The four look over as well, But they immediately straighten up. “Just keep smiling…” Aang encouraged them. Aang walks forward with a big smile. Katara titters uneasily, while Y/N and Sokka follow. The guard who has just obliterated the cart walks forward to meet Aang. He earth bends a huge boulder out of the ground and holds it over Aang's head. “State your business!” yelled the guard. Aang rushes forward out from under the rock in a move much too sprightly for his supposed age. He points an accusing finger at the guard and using his old man voice begins to speak. “My business is my business, young man, and none of yours! I've got half a mind to bend you over my knee and paddle your backside!” The guard drops the stone behind Aang in surprise. The three teenagers behind them were terrified at what Aang was doing. “Settle down, old timer. Just tell me who you are.” said the same gate guard. “Name's Bonzu Pipinpadaloxicopolis, the Third, and these are my grandkids.” He gestured to the three behind him. Y/N held Katara’s hand and walked forward “Hi, I’m Julie Pipinpadaloxicopolis and this is June Pipinpadaloxicopolis. Nice to meet you.” Y/N smiled and waved. “You seem like a responsible young lady. See that your grandfather stays out of trouble. Enjoy Omashu!” The guard pointed at her. “We will.” Katara said cheerfully.The guard motions them to pass. The three walk forward into the city with Sokka trailing. The guard starts to scratch his chin in thought. “Wait a minute!” He grabs Sokka by the shoulder and pulls him back, “You're a strong young boy. Show some respect for the elderly and carry your grandfather's bag.” Sokka sighed in relief. “Good idea!” Aang yelled out as he threw his bag to Sokka.The four are shocked by the size and power of this fortification. The gates begin to close again as the four move to pass through it. Just as his vision of Aang is obscured, the guard sees Momo's ears emerge from Aang's wig. “This is the Omashu delivery system. Miles and miles of tubes and chutes. Earthbending brings the packages up and gravity brings them down.” Aang explained. “Great, so they get their mail on time.” Sokka jokes. “They do get their mail on time, but my friend Bumi found a better use for these chutes…” Aang smiled mischievously before running to the top and grabbed a transport bin as the three followed behind him. “One ride, then we're off to the North Pole, Airbender's honor.” Aang smiled.  The three jumped into the bin behind him. Sokka in the back and Y/N inbetween the siblings.“This sounded like fun at first, but now that I'm here, I'm starting to have second thoughts!”  As Katra finishes, the bin drops into the chute and they rocket away. As they accelerate down the chute, a neighboring chute becomes visible in the background. It is clearly going to merge with the chute our group is in. A rack of spears is dropping down this other chute and after the two paths merge, Sokka ducked down to avoid getting killed,He pulled Y/N down with him for emotional support. The three in the back start making distressed noises as they try and avoid the spears. “ I'm on it! I'm on it!” Aang yelled.He started rocking the bin back and forth in the chute. He soon derails them out of the chute and their bin freefalls onto a rooftop below.

Book 1: water: Sokka x reader x ZukoWhere stories live. Discover now