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The thing wasn't that you hated being fed, or was you loved playing with it. You would always end up a mess. "Maybe catch some in your mouth next time, huh (Y/n)?" Jack laughed. Seeing him smile made you giggle. He always had to use two jars so that you'd actually be eating something.


You hadn't really come to control your demon abilities, but you were trying. "(Y/n), you look like you're gonna burst a vein in yer eye . You're not getting out of this." However, you didn't quit fighting. Anti laughed as your glowing eyes focused on lifting anything, making it disappear, or teleporting it. "You'll get the hang of it kiddo...but not today." You ended up just having to eat the mush.


Chase already knew the struggles of feeding, and thought he was prepared. Weeeeeell, he thought wrong. You weren't just fussy and angry, oh no, you were throwing the food all over, trying to slip out of the chair, moving his hand away with your hands. You were acting like a little terror. By the end of it, Chase and the kitchen was covered in all colors of food, but you were fed. You giggled at your destruction. "I need to stop letting Anti babysit you." Chase grumbled.


You didn't really fight it. You liked eating, you liked food. You'd shove basically anything in your mouth despite taste. "See, now you'll grow big and strong and be an even better hero then me." Jackie praised.


"You must eat! You need it to become big and strong and healthy." Henrik lectured. Not like you really understood though, and continued to spit the food out. "(Y/n)! I inzist you consume the important vitamins this food vill give you." He said sternly. Again, it didn't make a difference. He decided to try a different tactic by mixing it with something tastier. He'd mush up other things in it like strawberries or apples. He always made sure it was always foods with plenty of nutrients though, being a doctor and all.


It was easy for Marvin. He just used a little magic to make the food seems more interesting. Flashing lights, sparkles, or levitation. It all tricked you into thinking it was something you wanted.


You were just kinda chill with it, much to Marks relief. You already took the world in stride, and this to you was another part of life. Plus, the sooner you ate, the sooner you could be done and go play. Mark would constantly thank you for being an easy feeder despite you not actually knowing what he was saying. "Thank you for making life that much easier,you amazing little child you."


You kept making the jar float away from him, which thoroughly pissed him off. "(Y/n), you need to eat. It's not my fault it's tasteless mush." He growled. He was just chasing the jar around until he remembered he had powers to. He snapped his fingers, and the jar was glued to the high chair. Your giggles turned to frustrated coos. You were slamming you hands in the table as he fed you, not wanting the stupid paste. "(Y/n), you better learn something now. I always win." You used your powers to throw a book at his head.


You couldn't care less as long as you also had a toy in your hand. He could easily give you a spoonful of food, and you'd hardly pay attention to it, more interested in whatever toy. That probably worked out best for both of you.

~The Host~

"The Host did not appreciate how much (Y/n) fought him. The Host was increasingly frustrated, but knew she had to eat, so he didn't not give in to failure. (Y/n) continued to deny the spoon, so The Host tried the childish tactic of the airplane. It seemed to work, and (Y/n) happily ate from then on."

This chapter is the devil. (666 words) 😈

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