First Steps

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Jack was trying very hard to get you to walk, as well as get it on camera. Partly for his fans, but mostly to look back on when you were older. "Come on, (Y/n), please! Come on, come to daddy!" He encouraged for the billionth time. He sighed in defeat, getting tired, and turned off the camera. Of course, being the little shit you were, you had to choose the moment to start standing with a giggle. You made wobbly steps over to where Jack had been kneeling. During said time, Jack rushed to turn the camera back on, getting the last few steps to him. "You really surprised me there, you little stinker." His words were annoyed, but his voice and smile only held pride as he set the camera down to hug you.


Anti was once again trying to bathe you. You were very mischievous, which made him very sympathetic for his brothers sometimes considering he acted that way with them, and used your abilities to spill flour and sugar in the kitchen. Well, you didn't want to be bathed, and recently realized that your abilities allowed to crawl on the ceilings as well. You were on the ceiling, thinking it would allow a better hiding spot, but it was not. Anti was confused for a moment, but once he spotted you, he casually walked up the wall onto the ceiling as well. In your surprise, you stood up, running as fast as your little legs could carry you. However, not being well balanced, or that powerful yet, you nearly fell. Luckily, Anti had quick reflexes and caught you. "You have to be careful on the ceiling, (Y/n)." He tsked, kissing your head as praise.


Having raised children before, he knew there was no way to really force you to walk. You'd do it in your own time. However, he was still anxious for it to happen. His mind would go into over drive, wondering is there was any stunting in your bone, brain, or cognitive development. One day when he was in full worried dad mode, he sat quietly on the couch. You didn't like when he was quiet. He was normally full of much more life, and that always made you smile. You decided you wanted to make him smile too, as fast as possible. Deciding crawling wouldn't get you to him fast enough, you used the wall to start up, and quickly walk over. You definitely got the smile you had sought after. "Ahh! (Y/n)!" He picked you up, spinning you around. "I'm so proud!"


Jackie had a long day of fighting, and came home wanting to get some relaxation time. He sat you on the couch with him, and played a Disney movie. As the movie went on, Jackie had dozed off, and remained so when it was over. You were not happy about this, and wanted to continue making the kitties on the screen move around. You'd seen all the egos use the remote, so you figured that must be what made them move. However, Jackie had dropped it when he fell asleep. You climbed out of Jackie's lap, and used his knee for balance once on the ground. This action had woken up Jackie, as he was a very light sleep due to his hero duties. He watched you happily as you walked the few steps over to the fallen remote, and walked back to put it in his hand again. "Amazing job, little crime fighter!" Jackie exclaimed proudly, picking you back up.


Henrik, being a doctor, knew that it was about time that you start walking. Deciding it was important for your development, he'd spend time holding your hands, and helping you walk around. One day, he was walking with you, you giggling happily, and he let go of your hands. You hardly noticed, and continued walking to your target of your favorite toy. "Zat was amazing, (Y/n)! You're gonna be so strong!" He praised, picking you up to cuddle you closer.


Marvin had hardly noticed your lack of walking until Henrik had said something about it. It wasn't that he didn't care, it was just he didn't know that it was about the time most kids your age would start walking. And after Henrik told him that, he was frantic about getting you up and walking. He would try walking you with him, encouraging you with toys or Cheerios, and even even magic to try and get you to recognize the movements. Nothing was working, so he was constantly questioning Henrik and Chase about what he could do, or if he should have Henrik look you over. They were trying to reassure him that you were just being stubborn, but he still worried. Until one day, he made a magic projection of a (f/a) baby to play with you watched it happily, reaching out every now and then, but sometimes it would go too far away for your liking. So your solution was to get up and chase it. It shocked Marvin so much that he dropped the wand, and the animal disappeared. It made you start to fuss, so he quickly picked you up to shush you. "You did amazing, honey."


To say you were an adventurous child would be an understatement. You were curious about everything, wanted to touch everything, get I to everything. It definitely kept Mark on his toes to watch you. One day, you had found one of Chica's dog toys on the ground, and tried to start chewing on it, but Mark took it from you. He didn't want you to get sick from something that's been in the dogs mouth and god knows where outside. He simply set it on the coffee table, seeing as you could not reach in your state of crawling. Well, that simply wasn't going to stand with you. You wasted know time standing up, walking over with a few stumbles, and reaching the toy again. Mark was very shocked by the action, but once again too the dog toy. "(Y/n), I am very proud of you, but you can't have that!"


Dark was busy working at his desk, and stuck you open the corner on a play mat. Despite having the toys around you, you were bored. You tried to throw things to get his attention, but even with your abilities, Dark ignored it. You used the wall to get up and steady yourself. Slowly, and wobbly you walked over to your dad, and grab the chair once you got there. You making babbling noises, and tug on the chair a bit. Dark looked down, surprised to see you there. "Did you walk over here?" You smiled and bounced excitedly, finally having his attention. Dark smiled as well, lifting you up onto his lap where he hugged you as he worked.


Wilford was not careless, at least with you, but he wasn't always attentive either. He had left his golden gun within your reach on a side table. You could see it while sitting on the ground, and grew very excited over the shiny object. You used the closest thing near you, which happened to be the wall, for balance, and waddled over to the table, reaching up for the gun. Wilford happened to notice at this moment what was happening, and quickly swiped the gun from you. "Ho ho ho, dear, this is not suitable for a child of your stature. Perhaps when you're older though." He said, picking you up with a prideful smile. Google had happened to also notice this exchange, and gave Wilford a judgements look. "What? The safety was on!"

~The Host~

"Like many days before, the Host read a book as (Y/n) played with her blocks a few feet in front of him. However, today it seemed (Y/n) was rather bored by this notion. At first, the Host thought she was just throwing a fit, so he ignored it when she started tossing the blocks as long as she was not harming herself. She was displeased by his lack of attention so she carefully stood up, with shaky legs, and made her way over to him. The Host was smiling with pride, as his daughter had taken her very first steps."

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