Mr suspicious comes along

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Waking up another day. Brushing my teeth and hair and washing my face, getting out the clothes I slept in and putting on a gray big wolly sweatshirt and those stupid baggy pants getting my glasses on my face. As far as make up goes only putting a thin layer of eyeliner and mascara as well as lip balm since the fall season has come upon us.

Mom made us toast and tea, I don't like tea or coffee so I poured myself orange juice. Finishing last minute homework I head out of the house and walk it to the school. Hellish school, I thought. Pushing those damn heavy double doors as usual I'm the centre of attention, not in a good way but it a bad way. Walking down the hall wall collecting a lot of stares and whispers I see Trashy Trisha walking the opposite direction. Oh great!

As soon she made eye contact with me her pouty pink lip glossy lips twitched into a evil smirk on her face. And started laughing as she went pass me, she always comments every morning but today she didn't I definitely knew something was up and she's gunna do something, big time. Going to my locker and collecting my books, I see James and his peeps.

Yes James is older than me and he's 16 which means I'm in the sophomore section.

Deciding to low today I wanted to look who he hangs around with and see anything suspicious about them. I clenched my fist as I remember the past things happened between us, angrily I slammed my locker door and decided to go to class. Looking at the time on my watch as I went inside I was 15 minutes early so why not spy on James a little bit more. And I did. Got outside of the class room as I can hear laughing I went towards the laughing and it was his group. Using my glasses and notebook to record him and their voices to see anything weird. Nothing weird happened even though couldn't really hear them since I don't have supersonic eardrums, I wish I had though, their body language shows a lot psychologically.

I looked into their files and nothing came up that was of threat I sighed and went back into class. Great it was English lesson my favourite, not! Sitting in class bored internally but I had to show I was so into the lesson which I'm not. The lesson was easy but couldn't get rid of the feeling that someone was watching, I looked up and saw my English teacher professor Beetles staring at James with a very erm weird look on him...

And here I was someone staring at me! He has that look that it looked like he was studying him, seeing his every move like he was the one protecting him, hm. Why? Then his gaze turns to me and we had very good eye contact for the next five minutes until he cleared his throat and started to smirk as he looked down. Another five minutes has passed as I still stared at him still couldn't get my head around it why he would do that. Professor Beetles spoke up and this time I was eyeing him his every move.

I went to the office to collect files for the teachers who teach us and the people in our class files so I can have a good background where these people are coming from and etc. Miss Berry works in the office and let me tell you this woman is the sweetest woman on earth out of the people I know. Hell she would find ways to say positive things in every situation, she gives candy to kids for no reason God damn I could go on but it will take me all night to say things about her.

"Morning Miss Berry, how are you today?"
"Oh I'm fine dear, how are you?" Making eye contact with those files on her desk. This is my chance!
"Good. Oh do you need help putting away these files?"
"Oh no, darling it's fine I can manage,"
"Are you sure, I can help, got free time."
"Thanks sweetie" she smiles.
"Your welcome," I smile back.

Yes! Finally I can get bands on those files and quickly taking a picture of them in my phone, but I got to distract Miss Berry and hid away from the CCTV cameras. "Oh dear Michelle, I got to go now, an emergency came up, my niece had a nasty fall so I need to go and collect her. You'll be alright though, should I call someone else to help?" She asks

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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