Chapter 1

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As a child growing up I would always fantasized about the stupidest thing like what is would be like if vampires, warewolfs, demons or angels were actually real and living amongst us doing things that us human do all the time in our ever day life, but further more if one of those mystical being were to be my soul mate and we would live a happy life and have kids as cliché as it sounded I wanted it all of it but what I got was far from it, it was a nightmare.

Their were both eating each other face full lip lock, tongue to tongue sucks on one another lips to the point I hope they bite off them by assicdent or suffocate for kissing so long without breaking for air.

Their hands roaming around each other's bodies groping each other, his hands in her hair and on her butt her hands all over his body from hair to neck shoulders arms chest and down his hard stomach to his man parts.

That's when I avert my eyes to the next pair that was doing the same thing the first set was doing but this pair was both man's the smaller one on top of the larger one grinding on him with exchanging saliva both shirt less but the smaller one was only in a boxer brief.

I once again look elsewhere when the final one was coming now through the back door from the pool side dripping wet in a swim trunks wetting up the floors I had just done cleaning.

As I get up to clean the wet floors again he  spoke angryly, " where the fuck do you think you are going."  My body froze as it always does when he spoke to me my body shake I fare as I try to form the sentence from my lips.

" I w-was go- going t-to  g-go f-fine a m-mop t-t..........."

" Can't you talk without stuttering you stupid fuck, every time you open that mouth of yours I find it hard to understand what you say, this is the last time I will tell you the stutter again and you will regret it ok human!!!" He shout and his scarlet eyes glow to show he was pissed as fuck.

I immediately look a way from his eyes that I both hate and love. I try to calm myself before I look back up and talk.

" I was going to go fine a mop to clean up the wet floor." I explained slowly to Dimitri who wave me off and continue to kiss his girlfriend for the month, that's what he and Theodore call them.

" Human go get me something to eat" Alexander demand of me.

" What would you like to eat?" I ask slowly so I won't stutter. He looks at Louis who, was sitting in his lap kissing his neck, and ask him, " Lou baby what do you want the human to make."

" Anything you want love." Louis say shy

" You're such a angel baby why don't u ever ask for anything you are the perfect mate who needs another when I have you." He said the last part smirking at me. I felt a sharp pain in my heart as my eyes began to burn, I blink a few times as I fight the tares I look a way from him only to see Jameson coming down stairs without a shirt I admire his body for ba few seconds before look away not wanting him to see me checking him out, although I see not problem checking it out your own mate.

" Human clean up that mess now." Dimitri barked at me I look at Alexander and Louis to find them kissing I wanted to know what they want to eat but they look busy at the moment so I will ask later.

I rushed to the laundry room to get the mop and bucket to clean up the wet floor the Rush back upstairs and clean it up, while cleaning Dimitri girlfriend, Samantha leave giving me the usually look of disgusted to which I ignore as usually and continue my work the put the thing back in the laundry room and back up the stairs to ask my mates what the want for dinner.

I have four mates all of different kinds.

Dimitri the cold hearted, arregant, violent, hard headed evil demon.

Alexander the wicked, trouble making wearwolf.

Jameson the carefree vampire

Louis the shy angel

Then there's me Rosemarie the stupid worthless shy naive caring gentle prices of  shit human that my mates treat like garage in their own way.

Dimitri always bring is girlfriend of the month around the house and do sexual things with them even the it hurts me he beats me when ever he want and starve me , I have to do all the household chores or there will be consequences I am basically his salve.

Even though all five of us are all mats and bound together the guys don't feel the pain when Dimitri have sex with other people or when any of the guy hay sex with someone that is not our mate but I feel it because I am human and it hurts.

Alexander always talk brown to me and ignore because I am a human. Although I don't have a problem with it him and Louis is super intimate and love each other, but he also get intimate with the other guys too but not me I am left out of it all and it's  lonely.

Jameson just plan out avoid and me but I don't know why he doesn't have a girl or boy friend he only do sexual things with the other guys.

And Louis does anything the other tell him to do I don't know what he thinks of me, but he doesn't talk to me much unless the guys tell him to, I can't remember him every looking at me not once.

As I enter the living room I see all of them on the sofa watching TV I ask in a soft low tone, " what should I cook for dinner." They said they were ok so I asked Dimitri hesitatly while look down, " can I please get something to eat it's been a while since I last eat." I know I shouldn't have ask because I will only anger him but what he said surprised me," yes you can," I smile and thank him.

After saying that they all went there own separate ways and I eat some food then went to my room in the basement and sleep hoping the morning will come soon.

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