Chapter 4

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We are all now seated in the living room Alexander and Jameson are in the couples couch Dimitri have Louis in his lap in the L shaped couch while I was on the floor with the froze pack of pea on my cheek.

" Get up and sit next to me." Dimitri said,  so I stand and hesitantly sit next to him leaving a lot of space between us he look at Jameson and Alexander for a minutes then he let out a heavy sign and look at me and began talking.

" So I know you must have a lot of questions that you want to ask us so ask and we will answer you truthfully ok."

I look around to see all of them looking at me I stay silent for a while before I start talking." Um what do you want from me?" I ask look at Dimitri, it takes him a few minutes before he answered.

" I..... I mean we are your mates, mate is short for soul mate we are what completes you we can't function right with out you we are destiny to be with you and voice versa. I am Dimitri and I am a demon I'm 25 in human year but 995 in demons year."

" I'm Alexander and I am a wearwolf I am 24 I'm human years but 890 I'm wearwolf years "

" The names Jameson I am a vampire 24 in human years and 900 in vampire years "

" Hi I am Louis I'm a half fairy half angel and I am 21 in human years but 500 in fairy years and 650 in angel years."

I never know how old they were in general so that was helpful and that Louis was half fairy.

" If I am your soulmate and you're mine, and what you said mate are and what they meet to each other why would you all treat me like I meant nothing to you." I ask no one in particular, but Alexander answered

" For years we look for our last mate, but when we finally find you we were surprise that you were a human we were expecting another mythical being. It's not that we hate the human race ,but at that time we were in a bad place and we take our angry on you and we are sorry. The thing is Dimitri was always sleep around with human women and it angry us all but we choose to cope with it in different ways.

I chose to ignore him and show all my love and affection to Louis and Jameson, Louis didn't change much he show all of us the same love but get moody when he being home one of his sl........ girlfriend and Jameson at first chose to break him out of his habit by being clingy, showering hit with love and affection and when that did not work he became distance avoiding and ignoring us all, but on one rainy day a month a the day we met he snapped and confont at a park and just as he promised to stop his old habits we found out the you was out last mate.

I'm not saying that it's all your fault that he went back to his old ways, even though the women he is with now are not human, but we choose to believe so at the time and we are sorry. We will now treat you as you are to be treated from now on we promise, if there is anything else you want to know ask up." Alexander finished

" um why bid you not know that I was your mate until now?" I asked Louis hesitantly he looks nervous and ashamed as he looks at everything but me. He looked at Jameson, Alexander and Dimitri as if to ask for help they did that thing again in which they are really focus on something but not talking this take about 5 minutes before he spoke to me.

" I um i-im............ the reason is because when we first met I use my power on you not knowing you are my mate and after that not once did I look you in the eyes after I was told to treat you like the maid and that is why I have just realized that you are my mate when I look in to your eyes in the kitchen a few minutes ago. You see if a half fairy or fairy use their power on their mate knowing them or not it hid the smells from them for a while until that mate acknowledge the one he/she used their power one as their mate, they have to looked into their mates eyes to know if he/she is their mate and since I didn't look in your eyes until now I don't know and I am truly, sincerely sorry for what I did.?" Louis said although he still too pretty sad and guilty I can tell he meant it.

" what is going to happen now?" I asked. The room was silent while the did did their weird non talking thing," hey I just want to say I am sorry for hitting you I don't even have a excuse for what I did and I can't apologize enough time for what I did, I have never hit any of my mates since I've been with them so I don't know what happened back there I regretted it the moment I did it if there is anything at all I can do to make it up to you please tell me and I will do it without hesitation." Alexander apologize with a guilty and  pleading look on his face.

I look at the others and see that three of them were looking at me with the shame love hope and guilt expressions, but Jameson was giving me the looks of hope love and sadness.

" All I ask is that you don't force yourself to be nice to me just be yourself around me you don't have to change yourself to please me." Is what I say when in my head and heat I am screaming, ' treat me like the only girl in the world, the only one that you will ever love, make me feel special, love me forever hold me in your arms and tell me that I will always be yours treat me how you treat each other."

" Ok we will do just that." Jameson said smiling as he get up and sit next to me, then he surprise me by lifting me up and putting me in his lap I froze for a second before he surprise me more by kissing my neck which cause me to let out a weird sound that make that others look up at me with a look of lust and Jameson tensed up for a minute then whisper in my ears," by the way I meant that for both the things you said out loud and in your head.......did I forget to mention that I can read minds." I gasped and turn to him to see him smiling at me .

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