Chapter 2

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Waking up 6:30am the next morning I see a note on the table next to my make shift bed and a big shopping bag the note  reads "human put on the contents in the bag and make yourself look a half bit decent."

After a shower I put on the red bra and panties and the red and black color dress and put my hair in the best ponytail I can make without a brush, not having anything else to use to make myself look decent I leave for the kitchen. As I enter the kitchen I see Jameson and Louis, Louis was on the marble counter in the middle of the kitchen Jameson was in front of him between his legs rubbing his inner thighs, whispering something in his ears to make him blush Jameson was smiling at the man with the girly face he then start kissing him.

Before the went any further I interrupt them by clearing my throat soon Jameson look at me and Louis blush and hid his face Jameson gave me a different look then what he usually give me, his usual blank look was now a look of lust, shock and want. I wonder if it because I am in something apart from the usual rags I wore or is it that my hair is not a bird's nest, but the look that he was giving me was the best look I got since the month that I have known them and I make me happy.

Louis looks at me for the first time since we meet and gasped, " mate OMG you are my mate, you are my last mate how did I are we not know you were my mate until now am so happy I finally find you now we can all be together now." He said excitedly getting off the counter pass Jameson and stand in front of me with a huge million dollar smile.

I look him straight in the eyes with my shocked face then to Jameson who have a unreadable look on his face then back to Louis, Louis looks confused as to why I am looking at him with a shock face and not a happy one like his I don't know I was crying until he said, " Hun what's wrong why you crying are you not happy to be our mate are maybe those are tares of joy." He said the last part with a small smile.

Looking back at Jameson who has yet to move from in front of the counter had a glimmer of hope and sadness in his eyes. I turn my head to Louis to see him pick kissable lips moving but I can't hear a thing as I was too busy thinking about my life.

Flash back started

As a child growing up I would always fantasized about the stupidest thing like what is would be like if vampires, warewolfs, demons or angels were actually real and living amongst us doing things that us human do all the time in our ever day life, but further more if one of those mystical being were to be my soul mate and we would live a happy life and have kids. These were the things i would think about to keep me form killing myself at night before going to bed a life that I am not a slave to my family.

In a house like mine with a abusive mother, alcoholic father, sister and brother was hard, my mom and big sister would abuse me any chance the get just because they can at first I would fight back but then my big brother would join in and he was a buff man about 6ft and I was and still am 5ft and fare him so I stop fighting back.

There was time I was beaten so bad I would be in the hospital. But the worst of all was my father when he was high he would burn me with his cigarette, hit me with broom stick, slam doors on my finger, piss and spit on me, froce me to eat non eatable this, ECT there was 3 this he beat me so hard that I was hospitalized for more than 4 months, 2 times that I was in a coma for more than 6 months but less than a year, 4 times that I got food poison and was hospitalized, they move around a lot so no someone suspect a thing.

That all happened from I was 6 to when I turn 15 I ran a way never to return, for the past two years I was homeless hiding from the police because I didn't want to go back to me old hell I didn't have any friends or any other families I know of that could help me so I would stay at park, or down by the river at nights to sleep begged people walk around for food or money to buy food at a small store across from the park that allowed homeless people in.

Bad days was when I would go weeks without food and have to eat out of the garage bin, best days was when some people would walk around and give food drink and clean clothes to homeless people and I would be happy to get them.

The day I meet my mates was the best bay of my life, I was a rainy day and I was by the  park pick apples from the tree in the far end  when I hear yelling, " why are you like this? why can't you just show that you care? why do you? have to bring a different slut ever month?, We love you do you know that? I love you, Alexander love you, Louis love you? We all love you so why are you doing this to us? The red hair man with tares running down his gary eye ask the man with scarlet eye, who looks sad, tired, frustrated and guilty.

The scarlet eye man rub his temple and say," Jameson dear I love you all too but...."

"But fucking what what is the problem Dimitri tell my so I can fix it please tell me." The red hair man pled sobbing uncontrollable. I felt sorry for him I would tell he truly love the other man and for some reason it hurts me to see his so sad.

" I Jameson I love you Alexander and Louis so very fucking much yes I do, but I'm tired of waiting I want my or rather our final mate I want to be completed so I...........I don't even know why I sleep with all those human sluts I don't know babe I just want my last mate" he confess

" I want our last mate too but you don't see me, Alexander or Louis fucking any disgusting human do you" the red hair man shouted. Hearing him call human disgusting hurt me to the soul but I was wondering if they them selves were not human too although they where like living Greek god the have to be humans too.

" I know am sorry I will stop I promise I won't fuck another human again" scarlet eyes said. Red hair man smile and say," you better because if u do I will never speak to you again" the the hug one another then lock lips in a steamy kiss.

It is at that time when I turn to get a better look that I saw a huge dog with a man on top of him running right towards me that I scream and the two men notice me and stop the kissing to look at me in shock.

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