06 | Art

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CHAPTER SIXAugust 15, 2108

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August 15, 2108

Arthur was sent to mental care at the Amethyst Mental Hospital. The nurses were kind and the food wasn't that bad but he wasn't taking any of it.

He's often isolated on his own room, far from any sharp objects. His hospital room is basically just a bed, a desk and one chair.

Before he was sent there, he wanted to bring the very notebook his mom gave him back then. After reading what was inside gave the police officers a bit of a scare.

Even so, they let him bring it. It's not like there was anything harmful inside the notebook.

But if anyone read the notebook, who knew a child wrote on it? Only the child-like handwriting gave it away. Arthur stopped writing inside that notebook after he wrote his hundredth note.

NOTE #100 - I killed my mother. She's finally gone.

Arthur wasn't able to end his sister's life. He thought to himself that his timing wasn't lucky as to there was a family visitor in their home who managed to put the boy down on the time they saw the bloodied body on the floor.

He wasn't finished.

He wants to finish his job.

He needs to finish his job.

But he can't.

He was sent elsewhere. Far away from his sister's grasp. They'll probably won't ever meet again and it made his head infuriating.

He can't even attack any of the other children. Arthur had restraints on his arms and usually walks alone with just the nurse.

Just great.

August 20, 2108
One day, he was just watching the kids on an artificial garden.

This is stupid. He thought. Arthur sounded like he was wasting his life at the moment. Everyday was just the same.

"Arthur, you should play with the other kids. They won't bite." Nurse Sabrina told him with a gleeful smile.

"They won't bite but I can." Arthur snarled, this made the nurse flinch but she has to deal with it. It's her job, after all.

The nurse sighed and pushed him over, making him growl, "C'mon, Arthur. Look at that boy over there. He looks lonely, why don't you talk to him?"

"Tch, fine."

Arthur stood up and dragged himself towards the boy. The boy flinched from Arthur who was beginning to talk to him.

The boy noticed Arthur has dull eyes and saw he was a bit skinny, as if he wasn't being fed. His clothings were very baggy and he also found that the size of his shirt was the smallest it can get.

From a different perspective, Art looked at the boy with blue eyes. He had blonde long hair and he looked pretty tidy. Their shirts were thesame but his seemed fit to him. He looked at him, he was obviously confused.


"Hey, doofus, what's your name?" Arthur asked,a monotoned flow of tone in his voice.

The boy didn't answer but his eyes wandered on his sides and upwards. Arthur was stranged out from the start but he just had to do it or else that stupid nurse would keep nagging him.

Arthur called him out again, "Hey, Earth to blondie!"

Immediately, he snapped back and looked at Arthur, a sweat forming in his back. "S-Sorry, I was.. having a conversation with m-myself..!"

"Whatever, my name's Arthur." He suddenly came into a halt. Now that he thinks of it, he doesn't want to be called that. He wants to change it, it just reminds him of his sister.


"I meant Art.. Yeah, Art. Call me Art."

"Y-You mean like a painting..?"

"Mhm, exactly. I'm that amazing."

"O-Oh.." The boy said, his eyes sparkled at Arthur. He looks so confident, unlike me. "My name is Davenn.."

"Dave, then."

"Um, no.. Davenn." He pronounced again.

Art heaved a heavy sigh and grunted, "It's too long, I'll use Dave instead. Like a nickname or something."

A nickname? He.. He gives me a nickname? Dave thought, a bit happy.

"Sure..! Um.."

"So what thing did you do to be sent in this dump?" Art began their conversation.

Dave twirled his hair around his finger and looked at his hands, "I, uh.. hurt my family.."

"Huh? That's it? That's not even half a good reason."

"What do you mean..? What did you do?"

"Killed my stupid mom." Art grinned, a laidback tone in his answer. This frightened Dave a bit but Art was being nice to him so maybe it was an accident..?

"So.. you hear voices too..?" Davenn asked.

"The heck? Are you a freak or something?"

Hearing that made Dave sink in his seat. He thought he was different but he wasn't.

"You're not answering me again. When I ask something, you better have an answer or I'll rip out your skull." Art grinned. Davenn recoiled before his newfound friend chuckled, "That was a joke you dummy."

"Oh, sorry.."

"Still, you can't leave me hanging. I can't bear people thinking I can't hurt them so you better reply to each thing I ask, got it?"

"Y-Yeah.." Dave responded.

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