07 | Davenn

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CHAPTER SEVENAugust 20, 2108

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August 20, 2108

"What did you mean by voices, Dave?" Art asked him, munching in the fried rice being fed to him.

Dave winced, he didn't really want to talk about it. But from his lack of experience to talking to other people, he felt like he had to tell him.

"People think I'm crazy.. because I can hear voices that they don't hear.." He trailed off, embarassed and ready for his friend to leave him.

"Ah..? You hear voices? You mean, like in that head of yours?"

"Y-Yeah.. They became quieter when I came here.. and I like it here too.."

"Tch, you like this place? We can't even go anywhere without a nurse following us. It's stupid!" Art argued and drank faster.

"I think.. they're just trying to help us.."

"I don't need help. And I'm not like these people here. They're.. creepy."

"D-Don't say that.. From what Nurse Rona told me.. They're all sad and.. and they want friends.. but they're different.. so they don't have friends..."

"Yeah, right." Art said sarcastically and drank some water aggressively. Davenn wanted to stop him, he was afraid that he might choke or something, but was too shy and afraid to talk without being asked.

He watched him struggle and noticed the shackles on Art's wrists. What are those for? Are they for fashion? Are they for some other reason?

Just ask him, you dolt.

The voice in Davenn's head said. He winced, it's been a long time since he heard that cocky voice.

I can't.. Davenn thought to himself.

Of course, you can. You're just a wimp. Seriously?!

Dave winced at the voice, though Art didn't notice, luckily. He glanced at the boy shoving down food on his mouth and finally had the courage to ask him.

"What are those for..?" Davenn asked, pointing to his friend's wrists.

"Oh, these?" Art lifted his hands up, "The nurses think I'm gonna attack someone so they cuffed me. They're pretty dumb."

Oh right. He killed his mom.. I want to know the reason but.. I don't want to pry or anything. Davenn thought, tipping the finger of his hand to his chin.

Just ask him. It's not like he cares or anything. That dumb friend of yours could be a prideful shithead.

Don't say that.. He's nice..

Says the boy who killed his own mom after she tried to protect you from that old hag of a father.

I.. I didn't mean anything by it.. I was just..

What are you going to say again? That it was an accident? If you were just strong enough and used that stupid training against that dad of yours, then nothing would've happened.

I wasn't.. I just.. You took over.. I couldn't do anything about it..

Yeah, yeah. Put the blame on me. That makes you feel better right? What a useless dolt.

I-- I'm not wrong.. right..?

"Earth to Dave?!" Art shaked the boy up and down. Nurses were surrounding the both of them.

A nurse scolded Art for his actions, that he shouldn't be reckless about someone like him.

Art argued back, "I was just telling him about the time I killed--"

"Don't say that!" Nurse Sabrina told him off, "You two should be talking about something else. Remember, your actions weren't the best. You're here to change your ways, Arthur. Don't forget that."

"Okay, okay."

"Now apologize to Davenn for doing that."



"I'm sorry, Dave." Art apologized, rolling his eyes at the process.

"I-It wasn't your fault.. I was just spacing out. T-Thanks for snapping me out, Art." Dave smiled widely, a sweat forming on his back.

Nurse Rona smiled proudly, "Did you hear that? They even have nicknames. Sounds like your kid's already making friends." She chuckled, facing to Art's Nurse.


November 14, 2108
Art has been inside the Mental Hospital for over two months now.

He hasn't changed much but the nurses find him less aggressive than before. They thought it was thanks to Davenn, he may be the reason he got a little soft.

Even so, he was still prideful at most and still steps down other kids. They managed to lessen his ego.

The biggest change he had.. was that..
He forgot about his life before the hospital.

Art has gotten used to Davenn suddenly spacing out. He often reassures him and end up cheering him on.

His killing intent seem to have disappeared after no one asked about his family. It sounded like he only wanted to end them and not anyone else.

No one knew the reason why except Art, himself.. but.. he forgot. So who could possibly know the reason, now?

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