09 | Dolt

12 3 0

December 25, 2108

"Merry Christmas!" Everyone cheered when the clock hit 12. Nurses and other staff talked nonstop of their own families and the time they'll return home by morning.

The kids on the other hand were either running around or opening presents. Three months..

"What's this?" Art asked, looking at Davenn with a shy look on his face. He ripped open the gift wrapping of the small box. Inside was three pencils with an eraser and two pens.

Dave slightly smiled, "I.. I asked Nurse Rona if she could buy those.. When we were at your room, I saw your table had a notebook. S-So I thought maybe you write things.."

Art looked at the pen, it wasn't pointed and sharp but it did have a lot of ink. He gave a tight embrace to the blonde boy, "Thanks, 'ya dolt!"

Davenn grinned before hearing his nickname. It was the same nickname that the voice has been calling him.

Even if he showed a wide adorable smile, deep inside, another conflict was happening in his mind.

Would you look at that. He called you a dolt, like you already are.

"Please stop. It might have just slipped his tongue.." Davenn argued to the voice, releasing himself from Art's embrace.

Art kept looking at his gift and looked at it proudly while Davenn was in his head.

Aren't you sick of him? You keep saying he's a friend when he's just the same prideful dumbass from the beginning.

"He's not prideful.. I think he's just.. really confident.." Davenn looked at his fingers, tipping them together. He just stood there and watched everyone, they were all carelessly smiling, like nothing was wrong with them.

"You just want to hang out with him 'cause he has everything a dolt like you doesn't."

Davenn looked at his friend. He wag bragging about having a gift, though.. He was waiting for something. He expected a gift from him too. But..

"Don't be disappointed. You just expected too much. Why would HE give you something?"

"Maybe he just.. wasn't allowed to ask his nurse to give a gift.." He stuttered, still looking down on the floor. He clenched his fist.

He knew that wasn't it. He had this familiar feeling but didn't want to say what it is out loud.

"Hey, Dave? Hey, you dork!" Art noticed his friend who wasn't giving that smile he should be wearing, "Hey, goofus, you okay?"

"Let's get real. How many names has he called you, already? Oh, I remember." The voice snickered, making Davenn recoil in each nickname being given to him. "Let's see.. Airhead. Nitwit. Dummy. Dork. Goofus. Knucklehead. Idiot. There's so many but I think this one takes the cake. A dolt. Because he and I call you thesame thing! Wouldn't that be irritating?"

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