The Invitation - Chapter 1

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Before the story starts, I want to let you know that you should really read the description! Its very... descriptive, No duh Pigeon 🤦🏻‍♂️ Whatever, just read it and then comeback or read my other fanfics first or 🤷🏻‍♂️ idc. Also fyi, this is a prequel of my other stories. It's played in the eyes of Richard from Day-Locked. Okay enough talk pigeon, let's start this terrible fucking story now!

I bend her over, and whip my dick out.
Random Girl Plant: Oh Yeah, give it to me!
She then points her thick ass up, practically pointing towards the ceiling.
Me: Knock Knock, I'm coming in! Cumming in you that is!
She tries to laugh, but instead moans in pain and pleasure as I slip my cock in her vagina.
Me: Oh Yeah!
Random Plant Girl: Fuck yeah, oh my God!
Me: Enjoying it?
She moan, barely making out words.
Random Plant Girl: Oh~ Yeah! It would feel better if it was real though!
Me: Huh?
The walls begin to crumble and she begins to melt.
Me: No! My sexy girlfriend!
I quickly sit up and open my eyes. I'm on my bed.
Me: Shit! It was a dream. Seventh time this week I came in my pants, and it's only Tuesday.
Woman Voice: Honey, Wake up! It's time for school!
That's my mom, she's pretty cool. If she isn't making dinner, she's watching TV. Or waking up me and my siblings.
Mom: Get up sweetie, it's a school day.
Me: UGH! I fucking hate school!
Mom: Well, today is crazy sock day. You could get a bunch of girls if you have some nice socks!
Me: That may have worked back in your day Mom, but things are a little more complicated now.
Mom: Whatever. I made waffles this morning, they're downstairs when your ready. Just don't be late or you'll miss the bus! Again.
Me: Yeah, yeah whatever. I'll be down in a minute.

What's up? I'm Richard. I'm a nineteen year old that's still a senior, Got held back a year. But my friend Jake is still a junior. We have two classes together, so I don't see him or really any of my friends that often in school, but out of school we like to go to the skatepark and smoke. Not cigarettes, your a jackass loser if you smoke cigarettes. We only hit the bong with the best or the best, Weed.
Dad: Hey! Dumbass! Bus is leaving in five so get your clown lookin' ass down here and eat! Hurry up before your brother Micheal eats 'em!
Me: Coming Dad!
I get ready, grab a condom, and then go downstairs. Why did I grab protection? Because you never know when you might lose your virginity at school! Sounds stupid, but this hot slut in our grade made four different guys lose their v-cards last week. You never know what just might happen.

I go out the door and get on the bus. I always sit in the second to last row by myself. Don't feel bad for me either, I place my bookbag so I don't have to sit next to some fag that wants to small talk. I'd rather go to school and talk to my friends, not attempt to make freaky new ones. Once I get to the school, I get off the bus and sit on the benches in front of the door. I pull out my phone and text Angelo.
Me: Yo, Ange-ho. What's poppin'?
Angelo: Nothing, I'm still on my bus. But today are you finally going to ask Jersey out?
Me: What the fuck, no! She would never accept me. She's into the popular boys that are tall and mean. I'm frail and not intimidating so...
Angelo: Well I'm popular.
Me: Yeah, but I'm not
Angelo: True. But everyone talks to you.
Me: They talk to me, but none of them are interested!
Angelo: I think Coen is.
Me: Ew what the hell! I'm not gay, and if I was I wouldn't date that dirty, retarded, little shit! He cheated off me on the big test last year.
Angelo: And?
Me: And we both got 100%. I aced it, then got accused for cheating off of him!
Angelo: Damn. That sucks dick.
Me: Not as much as Coen does!
Angelo: Shit, I'm here. Talk to you when I get to the front of the school.
Me: Alright dude
I sit there looking at my phone scrolling through SnapDrag. A social media app made by a group of students that were all Snapdragons.
Jake: Yo! Dickweed! What's up?
Me: Ay, hey dude.
Angelo walks up to me and Jake.
Angelo: Yo, what's up Richard! That shirt is fucking balling Jake!
Jake: Thanks man.
*RING* The bell rings, meaning we can go inside the school now.

A Couple Hours Later

I walk in the cafeteria and fill my tray with the 'food' they provide. I sit down with my plastic meal at my table with all my friends, my clique.
Austin: So then I was like, "Shut the fuck up you dumb bitch!" Then she gets on her knees and begins to run her finger up my leg leading into my sh- oh hey Richard!
Me: Hey Austin! Didn't see you in second period, where were you?
Austin: Well in first period Sarah Ho whipped out my dick in class so I was in Restricted Study for the next four periods.
Jake: Imagine that scenario, but in the bathroom! She would've totally gave you a BJ.
Angelo: A BJ?
Jake: Yeah! A BJ, Ya' know a blowjob.
Angelo: Oh shit! I'm dumb, I forgot.
Austin: Why the fuck would we be in the bathroom anyway dumbass?
Jake: I don't know I just wanted to think of something that would have got me hard.
Me: well at least you're honest.
We all laugh and continue eating our terrible food.
Angelo: So Richard, you gonna ask Jersey out today?
Me: What, no! I already told you she would reject me.
Angelo: Well I heard she goes to Zack's parties.
Austin: And? We'll never get into those parties.
Jake: Austin has a point, Zack only invites his good friends or hot girls. We aren't either of those.
Richard: I mean, somebody has to like Angelo's big eyebrows!
Angelo: Hey! I'm a repeater! I was born with em'! Your just jealous you don't have sexy eyebrows like me.
Austin: Pff! As if, us Lightning Reed's don't need no fucking crazy eyebrows! We just need some red dreads and we'll be rich!
Angelo: That is very specific. Who are you talking about?
Austin: The rapper Trippie Reed! His music is fucking awesome!
Me: True, his music is the shit!
An Apple Mortar walks up to our table.
Jake: Issac! Get the fuck out of here dork!
Issac: Can I sit with you guys? Nobody else will let me sit next to them, not even the teachers in the teachers lounge.
Jake: Beat it Scrub! Why don't you go finger your boyfriend.
Issac: He's not my boyfriend! Me and Coen are just good friends!
Angelo nudges Jake. He then loudly whispers;
Angelo: Yeah right.
Jake laughs as he punches the table.
Me: Why don't you go caress Brayden's tits!
Austin: More like drown in them!
We all die laughing. Not literally, but we all just laugh a lot.
Jake: It's funny because he's obese!
Issac walks away as we all laugh out loud. If this wasn't the cafeteria, we would be hella loud.
Zack walks up to our table.
We all slowly tone down the laughter.
Me: Whoa, What are you doing at our table Zack?
Zack: I saw the way you guys Made fun of Faggot Incorporated, and I wanted to ask if you guys wanted to come to my party this Saturday.
Austin: Well actually, I have to attend my grandfather's funer-
Angelo: Shut the hell up Austin!
Jake: We'll be there!
Zack: Rad.
Zack begins to walk away, but stops and comes back.
Zack: Oh shit speaking of Rad, we hired an amazing DJ named Ethan!
Me: Wait a minute... Is he a Phat Beet?
Zack: Hell fucking yeah he is!
Me: Holy shit I know him! He's my weed dealer!
Zack: Dope. Literally! See you motherfuckers at the party! It's on Saturday!
Zack walks away leaving the lunch room.
Me: Holy shit guys. Did we just get invited to the one of the biggest parties in our grade!?
Angelo: Oh my bag full of dicks, I think we did!
All of us: HELL YEAH!

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