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*Author George Haman*

*MOBILE: 0798952111*

*EMAIL: authorhaman@gmail.com*

(🔞This story Contains Adult Content (AC), Strong Graphic Language (SGL) which might be disturbing to minors and in some parts Graphic Violence (GV). Reader's discretion is advised. Suitable for persons 18 years and above.🔞)


"Sir, I am not sleeping with your daughter, I am only helping her do the school project ad a friend." I lied.

"You think I was never your age? I was never in campus? I know all the tricks boys use to get laid. We used to lie same lies during our time so don't waste your time lying to me; I know you want to sleep with my girl and that will never happen." He said.

I felt like telling him I had already slept with her twice but that would be digging my own grave; his face alone was enough to make you tremble. I did not know where I got the guts but I found myself asking him a silly question.

"Sir, can I ask you a question man to man?" I asked calmly.

"Go ahead." He replied, a little bit moved by my all of a sudden courage.

"You said that, that was what you used to lie when you were in campus, how many girls did you undress while in  campus?" I asked.

He had not seen that coming, he just bent his head for a while then looked up and said;

"How dare you ask me such kind of a silly and stupid question? Do I look like your age mate??"

"With all due respect sir, you and I both know that Christina's mum was not your first girl to sleep with and nobody ever threatened you for coning their daughter. If I was to con your daughter, I would not have walked in to meet you so stop judging me so harshly yet you don't know me. Just because I am her friend doesn't mean that I am coning her." I replied sounding angry and then got up and began walking out.

"You even have the guts to talk shit in front of me in my daughter's house and walk out huh?" He asked angrily.

"Sir, I respect you and your daughter but I am not going to sit hear and watch you degrade my dignity. If you were lying to girls while you were my age, that's you and not me. You are you and I am me so stop judging me from your character." I replied sounding innocent and angry.

I knew Christina had been eavesdropping our conversation so I decided to man up and play innocent. She saw that things were getting out of hand and decided to intervene.

"Dad!!! Why are you doing this to me??? Do you really think I would be that stupid to bring a boyfriend in my house when my dad is there? Your joy is when I lose all my school friends and fail in my project?" She asked really pissed off.

"If this is how you treat my guests never visit me again! This is now the third friend you are chasing aware from my life! I am tired of your overprotective character dad!" She added bitterly as tears built up in her eyes.

I did not want to be caught up in that situation, I wore my shoes and left. I had ignited a fire which I could not handle, I had to run for my dear life.

After about half an hour, I received a call from Christina's number. When I picked the call, it was her dad who spoke.

"She has refused to talk to me unless you come back and we settle our dispute. I believe you understand that a man has to do whatever it takes to keep her babies safe, you are a man, you understand these things." He said.

"But you accused me of coning your girl only because am her friend!" I replied sounding rude.

"I know I might have been too harsh on you but don't take it personal. Just that I don't want her getting lied to and used, she is my little baby. In my life I have never met a man with guts like yours and I think you are the kind of friend my daughter should have, a friend who stands for justice." He said calmly.

"Little baby yet she can carry a man for half an hour three times a day!!??" I asked my inner self trying to be sarcastic but definitely I could not ask him that way. I just smiled at myself and felt like a king having handled a man who many guys feared so much.

"Fine, I don't want her hating you just because of me, tell me what to do." I said.

"Come over to her place and let us talk like men." He replied.

I decided to do him the favour and I went back. He apologized for being harsh and Christina was happy again. He did not want to ruin any of her moments again so he decided to leave.

"I have never net a young man with the guts you have and no one has ever faced me the way you did and because of that, I trust you to be friends with my daughter but please treat her like your sister, don't take advantage of her." He said to me while we were at the door waiting for Christina to come and escort him.

"Sir, I have a girlfriend so Christina is like my little sister to me." I lied so as to seal his trust.

Christina showed him to the gate and I followed them behind heading to my place.

He got into his car which was parked outside the flat, it was a Hilax Double-Cabin 4×4 (Off road). The moment he drove away, I was on my way down the street walking to my house like a prince, just then Christina texted me;

"Babe I miss your sweet company and mad romance, please don't go." The text read.

I waited till her dad's car disappeared into the horizon then turned back and followed her back to her house. It had been a month since I last had Christina in bed, I was hungry for her.
She locked the door and then I carried her to the bedroom. I was amused how Christina had become a good kisser. We had a foreplay for about twenty minutes then the game began. Surprisingly, Christina handled me as good as Mwikali was doing it; her ride was now even better than Mwikali's.

After having almost a forty minutes ride, she got exhausted and then got off her and lay beside her. I was admiring her beautiful brown thighs when I noted something strange on them.

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Continues in the next Episode.

©Author George Haman

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