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*Author George Haman*

*MOBILE: 0798952111*

*EMAIL: authorhaman@gmail.com*

(🔞This story Contains Adult Content (AC), Strong Graphic Language (SGL) which might be disturbing to minors and in some parts Graphic Violence (GV). Reader's discretion is advised. Suitable for persons 18 years and above.🔞)


"My name is Haman and I think you are lying; you can't be in love with someone you haven't seen in five years and dated for only two weeks." I said.

"Okay am sorry Haman if I have upset you but you taught me how to love, how can I ever forget you?" She replied with a sympathetic voice.

"Was I your first love?" I asked setting her on a trap.

"No, but you were the first man I ever truly loved." She replied as she gripped my shirt and learned on my shoulder with her boobs pressing against my chest.

Jackie had grown more beautiful in the five years I had not seen her, she was a temptation hard for a man to overcome. The feeling of her boobs squeezing against my body was driving me insane.
I stared at her hair for a while then all of a sudden, I just grabbed her by the waist and placed her on the massaging bench; she had only the dress with nothing else inside since it was hot in there.

The bench pulled up her dress exposing more than three quarters of her thighs, that was the first time I ever saw how beautiful Jackie's thighs were. We had made love before but we always found ourselves in dark corners so I never got the chance to see her complete beauty until Teyie's health club gave me the golden chance.
Jackie began unbuttoning my shirt then after it was off, she went for my trouser. As much as I was yearning to bang her on that bench, something was bothering my head; Jackie had told me that she was seeing someone.

I was feeling uncomfortable due to that so I stopped caressing her and held her hands then asked;

"Who are you seeing?"

"Come on dear, you are still thinking about that?" She asked as she tried to grab my nuts using her other hand.

I grabbed it as well then gave her a serious face and said;

"Yes Jackie, I need to know whose girlfriend I am with." I replied as I released her hands pulled back my trouser.

Her face changed and she looked upset. She sighed gently then said;

"Fine then. If you really wanna know, I am Edwin's concubine." She replied facing down, her tone was heavy.

"What! You are sleeping with Mwaura?" I asked shocked.

"He is the only man around here who showed interests in me so one morning as I was massaging him after his usual morning run, I just found myself with no clothes and he was on top of me. Things happened so fast, I just don't know how I ended up nude. Since that day, we began doing it often but he doesn't want people to know so we keep it a secret and always do it in here; that's why at first I was tensed because he can walk in and find us." Jackie said with a timid, weak voice.

The very moment I heard that it was Edwin sleeping with her, my hormones switched off like a vehicle which had ran out of fuel. By now Jackie was half naked, her body was not covered from her waist downwards but my little man had just shut off.

"Jackie, you are an amazing lady and I really do like you a lot but Edwin is like a brother to me, I cannot bang his girlfriend." I said calmly.

"Haman! I am not his girlfriend, I am just a friend with benefit to him, or rather a concubine." She said as she pulled me closer to her.

"Am sorry Jackie, I can't do this." I said then took my shirt and walked out of the room leaving her seated on the massage bench halfway dressed.

The health club was located at the corner of the first floor, next to the staircase. I took the corner and took the stairs up to my room feeling disappointed in myself, I was feeling so wasted. I knew there was a chance that Jackie would never want to see me again but after all Edwin had done for me, I could not want to cross his path.

When I got to my room, I found the door unlocked yet I had left it locked. I pushed the door slowly and peeped into the room only to be in for a surprising shock; my eyes got glued on what I saw.
Lizzie was standing beside the bed with only a bikini and her white medical dress was lying on the bed. On my way out of the Spa, I was feeling more tipsy than the way I was when I went in there. Some of the oils Jackie was using for massage were slowly boosting the alcohol I had taken while with Edwin hence making me feel more tipsy.

I slowly walked into the room then when I was about to surprise Lizzie from behind, I looked around and noted that the bed looked different and also the carpet. My room's carpet had a flower at the centre and my bed had a blue duvet cover; the bed next to Lizzie had a white duvet cover.

That was when it dawned to me that I had mistaken her door with mine and walked into her room. Wairimu's room was just adjacent to mine and the doors were just next to each other hence my drunk head had deceived me that her room was my room; it was too late for me to turn back, Lizzie had already heard me walking.

"Haman! What are you doing here?" She asked sounding shocked as she quickly grabbed her dress and covered herself.

I had already seen all her exposed parts but I decided to play dumb.

"I am having an headache." I lied holding my head.

"Is that why you never knocked?" She asked sounding pissed off.

I did not reply, I just stood there admiring her  until she began feeling uneasy; I was so good at playing dumb...

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Continues in the next Episode.

©Author George Haman

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