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*Author George Haman*

*MOBILE: 0798952111*

*EMAIL: authorhaman@gmail.com*

(🔞This story Contains Adult Content (AC), Strong Graphic Language (SGL) which might be disturbing to minors and in some parts Graphic Violence (GV). Reader's discretion is advised. Suitable for persons 18 years and above.🔞)


"The door is unlocked." I said.

Just then I saw Lizzie walk in wearing her white dress; she looked worried. She closed the door from the inside but did not lock then stood about a metre from it.

"To what do I owe this surprise?" I asked.

"I came to apologize for my naive reaction earlier." She replied calmly.

Lizzie had a nice shape, her hips were visible even in the white medical dress and her future behind was so bright. She had beautiful chocolate legs and medium sized boobs. I stared at her keenly and noticed that the lines of the bikini she was wearing when I met her in her room were not visible on her dress; she had taken it off.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" I asked.

"As I said, you are a nice guy and you don't deserve to be treated the way I treated you Ham." She replied.

"I don't buy that Lizzie, what exactly brought you to my room?" I asked curiously.

She did not answer, she just locked the door then unzipped her dress and allowed it to fall on the ground then she gave me a seductive look. I turned my head away then said;

"Am sorry Lizzie but you already said that you are taken."

Wairimu was a stubborn one unlike Jackie, she never believed in giving up. She walked to my bed where I was lying with only my boxer then sat beside me and said;

"Yes I thought I was taken until I heard him deny me in front of you. I never knew that he was just in love with my body until you opened my eyes." She said as she gently touched my chest.

"Lizzie, I am not the kind of man who will beat around the bush; I will tell you the truth. You fell in love with Mwaura just because he is from a rich background but not because the two of you connected. Mwaura does not love your body, it is you who is making him love it. Just because you want to win him, you chose to give yourself to him like a sacrificial lamb. As long as you are willing to do whatever he asks, what makes you think he will not see you as his concubine?" I asked her in a polite way.

"That is why am here Ham. You showed interest in me more than he ever has; I have made up my mind and I wanna be with a man who loves me, a man who cares about me." She replied.

"Lizzie, your feelings are hurt and you are acting out of desperation. Less than an hour ago, you chased me away from your room, now you are in my room; I don't wanna take advantage of you dear." I said with a gentle tone.

Lizzie began feeling ashamed and she slowly got off the bed but I did not want to hurt her feelings more than I already had, I took her hand and pulled her back to the bed.

"Be honest with me Lizzie, did you come to me because Edwin has hurt your feelings or because you want to be with me?" I asked.

"Ham, don't judge me please. I overheard u and him talk then followed him to the Spa secretly. I peeped through a backside window and saw him with Jackie. That made me so mad, I just felt desperate and I needed someone to make me calm down. I know you think I am a cheap lady Ham but I am not, I just feel desperate." She replied with a sad face.

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