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*Author George Haman*

*MOBILE: 0798952111*

*EMAIL: authorhaman@gmail.com*

(🔞This story Contains Adult Content (AC), Strong Graphic Language (SGL) which might be disturbing to minors and in some parts Graphic Violence (GV). Reader's discretion is advised. Suitable for persons 18 years and above.🔞)


"Why are you acting like your sister Christina? She is the one who used to have that temper!" Sam said calmly.

"Just get out of my room! I need to dress up." Christina said.

"What in you did I not see when we were kids? I can face away and you change dear." He replied.

I began getting irritated by this Sam guy, he was stepping off his lane. He then walked towards Christina and stood behind her then leaned on her shoulder and whispered something to her ears.
Christina lost her temper and pushed him off and punched his stomach. Sam then got angry and ripped off the towel off her and threw her on the bed.
He then took off his shirt and began to unbelt his trouser.

"I have waited for this day for so long. You promised me that once my thing grew big enough you would give me a chance to taste you, today is that day you honour that promise!" He said as he dropped off his trouser.

"Sam, that was a childish promise; we were just kids who never knew what we were doing. Please don't do this Sam am begging you." Christina said desperately.

"It's either you give it to me or I take it by force Shi, your choice." Sam said as he got onto the bed ready to rape her.

I could not take it anymore, there was no way I was going to hide under the bed and listen as Christina got raped; I crawled out of the bed angrily.

Before Sam could realize I was in the room under the bed, I had already grabbed his manhood and pulled is as hard as I could.  The guy groaned in deep pain then swung his hand heavily and landed a blow on my left cheek, it sent me to the ground with a thunder.
He then left Christina on the bed and came towards me holding his manhood as he limped. I could not wait for him to get to me so I grabbed the lampshade which was next to me and threw it at him.

By the time he dodged, I had already gotten up and I was charging towards him at top speed. I speared him to the ground making his head to hit against the wall as we both landed on the ground with a thunder; my arm got hit but I could not feel the pain that very moment.  I then saw blood oozing from the back of his head and I got so terrified.

Sam lay on the floor motionless bleeding and that scared the hell out of me; I was not ready to go to prison for defending myself and my girl, my body began shaking.

I took Christina's phone, called 911 and asked for an ambulance then told Christina we go missing but for her she chose to stay and try to stop the bleeding. I grabbed her hand but she pulled it back and said;

"You go, I will handle the police; my dad has got connections."

I grabbed my shoes, gave her a goodbye kiss and disappeared before the cops arrived due to panic and that was the last time I saw Sam and I was not sure if I would ever see Christina again. At that time my mind was so scared, I could not think straight.

As I was running out of the apartment to go pack my things and go hiding before cops discovered that it was me who pushed Sam, I just found myself in the middle of the highway without checking if both sides were clear.

The last thing I saw was a black Range Rover Sport just five metres in front of me; the driver tried to hit emergency brakes but it was too late, I went flying to the windshield of the Range and hit my head leading to a blackout.

I later woke up and found myself in a big room with a huge bed and a huge TV mounted on the wall. There was cabinet and a side table beside the bed and a well laid table at the corner of the room with two cosy seats around it.

I tried getting up but I was having too much pain in my both hands and in the head, I could barely support my own body. I just lay on the bed not knowing where I was or who had brought me there.

After about half an hour, a lady in a blue uniform walked in carrying a tray and a flask. She smiled at me then said;

"Good morning Sir, my name is Lizzie Wairimu and I will be your nurse. My boss told me that you had an accident so he asked me to look after you because he has a summit to attend." The lady said.

"How did I get her Lizzie?" I asked curiously.

"My boss told me that he just saw you appear from nowhere and by the time he could stop the car, he had already hit you so he took you and brought you to his mansion so that you can get treatment from there under my care together with the family doctor." Nurse Lizzie replied calmly.

She then took a syringe and injected a certain substance which relieved 80% of my pain and then she helped me get up and sit upright on the bed.

"I brought you some soup, it is vital for your recovery. You are very lucky no broken bones; only dislocated joints which I fixed while you were still in the lost land." She said as she took the soup and began to feed me like a baby.

It was not an appetizing soup since it was a mixture of vegetables, boiled and then blended finely, but Lizzie was a stubborn lady, she made sure that I had taken all of it then she gave me some pills to swallow.

"Have a good rest sir, I will see you later in the day, the doctor will come to see you in the evening." Lizzie said as she took her tray.

"Who is your boss?" I asked curiously.

"When the time comes, he will come to check on you and you will see him." Lizzie replied politely then walked out of the room.

She had left the TV remote control on the side table beside the bed I was lying on, I took it and switched on the TV. Immediately it went on, I saw some heartbreaking and shocking news...

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Continues in the next Episode.

©Author George Haman

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