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You play the lead role in the movie

Called ''My life''

My mind just got blanked. Same eyes. As sparkling as an emerald in a deep white ocean, there stood a guardians long black eyelashes. Waving chocolate brown hairs. Sculptured face with berry lips.
Wow. Why do I feel like a mystical character from fairy tale is sitting right in front of me?
He waved his hand in front of my face, ''hello... are you alright?''

''Yeah.... Yeah..'' I finally got hold of my consciousness and replied, ''Professor asked me to contact you regarding the clarification of project''.

I got it. You are Mithra, right? He smiled brightly. ''Actually professor asked me to give some reference book for project, but I doubt that it would be any use to you. Its little bit difficult for a first year student to understand that. So meet me after a lunch break; ill prepare easy notes for you. ''. He winked.

Like a hypnotized doll and I nod and left the classroom. Tarun looks exactly like dhurv, but why George got dhurvs eyes. Im confused. I shake my head as if I can get rid unwanted thoughts circling in my mind.

While having lunch in canteen, sara sat across me. My mind was in mess. Face similarities between my dream boy and tarun made a huge impact on me. She starred me with her playful eyes.

''Why? What?''

''I wonder since when you got a habit of eating invisible rice?''

''What are you blabbering about?'' Then only I realized my plate is empty. I knock myself and gave her a goofy smile.

She laughed and hit my head, ''Silly, Don't doze here. Ah... I almost forgot to tell you. I posted a job offer in my website and I attached your fathers contact number for further details''.

''What job offer?''

''Wake up Mithra. Tutor for your brother. Don't tell me you forgot that''

''No, I...''while trying to explain myself, suddenly I got a strange feeling as if someone is watching me. I stood up and turned. I crashed on board wide shoulder. I lift my head. Dazzling green sparkles. It's George.

''I found you. Here is a notes for tomorrow's presentation. Any doubts, my number is in the notes you can contact me. All the best sweetheart''. He went.

He won't even give a chance for me to speak. Sara shook me up. ''Who is that handsome? Emerald eyes?'' She showered me with questions.

''Alright, Give me a minute''. I poured everything. She heard with her chin resting on the hand as if she was hearing a folktale.

Then she smiled softly and said, ''Mithra, that is just a dream, don't get confused over that. Forget it. Now it is time for you to find love of your life. See the reality and choose your soulmate''. Sometimes she sounds more matured than me.

I spent my day at library, studying George's notes. George is very kind and caring. He even sticks sticky notes in between difficult words for better understanding. His handwriting is flawless like a textbook.

Finally I finished revising that. Now I got some confidence. I glanced at my watch, it is almost five. College will be over at 4pm.

Oh. Shit... sara is going to bury me alive me...

I ran towards main building, no one is there. I took my phone to call her. New message from sara; sorry, I got to hurry up dad is waiting for me. See you tomorrow.

I heaved a sigh of relief. Ok let's go home.

While walking in the corridor I felt that hectic path now turns into a deserted one. I slowly spin my head, no one is there. It awakened the little devil inside me. I suddenly had a thought what if I suddenly skid down on that smooth road? That is one of my favorite games in my childhood.

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