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"If I had my life to do over again,

     I'd find you sooner so I could love you longer"......

                I wrote the list of mentioned leaves and flowers sample in my notebook before starting the match

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                I wrote the list of mentioned leaves and flowers sample in my notebook before starting the match. He seems too relaxed about this but I can't help myself feel little nervous about this.

                      It's just a simple match. We need to collect ten leaves and flowers within one hour. Losers will be become slave for the winner. We set timer in his mobile and he agreed to meet in the starting place after 1 hour.

                 I go through the names in that list, it is almost bit familiar to me.I walked through the woods enjoying the pleasant sun with warm breeze singing in my ears. Suddenly I heard whispers." Look over here...here "

              What is that? I turned around and scanned my surroundings, I see nothing.

            Am I hearing things?  I quickly walked from there, but I felt the sound is following me. I ran through the bushes and branches hitting me in my fore head, and my shoulders. I entered into the deep dark forests, where everything around me is in pitch black, I lift my head to see the sky but all I could see is my reflection like a mirror room. I blinked my eyes more than twice to check whether it is reality or my delusions. But it almost felt like real since I'm feeling pain all over my body and because of my intense headache.

           Something's seems strange to me, I felt   myself in the different realms.I see flash of light in the mist of the darkness... It moves closer and closer to me.

                           A deer shaped magic figure appeared in front me. It looked me with its glowing fire ball eyes. I stunned by its majestic appearance. My eyes got widen with amusement when I heard it Spoke.

           ''Sorry for my late appearance your highness

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           ''Sorry for my late appearance your highness. How is your life in human realms?''

          "Highness? Who? Me!" I dumbfound by its question.

           ''Are you alright, your highness. Why are you so pale? Don't you recognize me! I'm your servant..''

             ''I have magic deer as a servant'' I exclaimed in bewilderment.

             ''I think till now you failed to remember anything about you. Do you know who you are?''

              ''Me. I'm Mithra''. I said without any hesitation.

                ''No. you are not''. It refused firmly.''You are the goddess of dream''.

                 ''Goddess of dream'' I laughed hysterically ''wait. Now I understand everything. This is a prank show, right? Deer must be illusion or holography''.

                      I tried to shake that holographic image. But to the surprise I touch that and I felt warmth thorough my hand.

              ''Your highness, it's not that time for your jokes. Be serious. Everything now you are seeing is real. Don't interrupt me. I don't have much time in my hand. Before they get me I want to leave this realm. So listen carefully".

             "You are goddess of dream. You made a huge mistake. So Heaven punished you by keeping you prisoned in the underworld. But you escaped from the prison two years ago to solve the future consequences of your mistake. So you are here in this girls body who's look is very similar to yours. Heaven is very angry right now. They are sending their guards to the human realms to catch you. Your power is very low. So you must quickly finish your mission and turn in yourself''.

             ''But why I can't remember anything about this?'' I asked in a confusion.

              ''When you escaped your memories and ability got sealed in the underworld, I think this might be the reason for your lack of memory. Heavens are searching for your whereabouts for 2 years. Now they found tarun in your memories. So hereafter, be careful. It's just a matter of time from them to find you''.

             ''Tarun, is in my memories, but why? What is my mission? How can I get my memories back? What will happen if they got me? what about the soul of this girl?'' I showered many questions.

           But magic figure begins to disappear slowly by fading in the air. ''My soul energy is draining right now. I can't hold this. I'll give answer to important question. Your mission is to make tarun fall in love with Mithra. That's all I can say now. Have your diary with you, It might help you get your memories back. Take care, your highness. Be careful with the heavens guards don't use your powers openly..........'' It fades away, and everything begins to get darker once again.

         I found myself lying in the lawn. I felt intense ache in my head. I massaged my temples.

          Another dream... I sighed and I tried to stand but I felt something poking my spine. I rolled to see what is that? After seeing that I simultaneously slammed myself to check whether it is another dream.

          It's a diary glittering with golden cover shining in the midst of the grass.

It is not just another dream.

                      I opened the diary. I almost got blinded by its glowing light. I swiftly closed the diary and kept that in my bag, after hearing the footsteps.

      ''Wow, I don't knew that you had such kind of powers!''  Tarun came there holding paper bag full of leaves and flowers.

   ''Powers? How..how did you know that?''

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