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She grow happier with every moment spent by his side

Mom was very pleased by his reply. She thanked him and invites him to have a breakfast. She must think him as her life savior. I glared at his face to find what his exact plan is. But it is mission impossible. How can I read his blank face?

After, my mom left, to make a feast for him. I slowly approached him.

''Tarun....'' I called hesitatingly.

He just blinked and ignored me. Really? Fine, I won't talk.

I went to my room and I slammed the door as I'm slamming door in his face.

ha...who does he thinks he is? A Top star? A Celebrity? Leave it. I wanna go to college, so ignore him.

I wore pitch black dress which ends right down my knees. Today I must look as gorgeous as ever. Because, today is going to be unforgettable moment in history. Megna... wait for your unbeatable opponent. I want to look good in front of her while getting my revenge. I doll-up myself.

I opened the door, like female lead in the action movies. I swing my head in a slow motion and let my hair fly in the air. Tarun, must shocked by my entrance. I turned towards him to see his amused face.

He looked at me with no expression in his face. Seriously?.... are you a robot?

''Can we go?'' I said formally. He gave a bored look and asked, ''are you going to wear this today. change it''.

Who is he to order me?

''What is your problem? Why are you interfering in my way of living?'' I can't hold anymore.

''Mom, I'm going to wear this today. Do you have any problem with this?''. Mom got confused by my question, and ran over to the hall. She saw me and tarun in jumbled manner.

Tarun cracked a smile and said, ''I brought my bike today I'm going to drop you on my bike. Can you understand the situation now?''

''Go. Change it'', Mom rustled and she went inside.

Then he slowly approached me with his twinkling eyes, ''if you want to have ride with me in this dress means, I won't object that. But I'm just curious about one thing. What is today's special? Orange or strawberry?

''Don't you care about others privacy?'' I growled.

He widened his both hands in faking innocence. I changed to jeans t-shirt. Mom prepared delicious idly and 3 types of chutney to thank him for his selfless help. But who knows he must have any hidden reason to help me. Today is definetly going to be long day ahead. I sighed sadly.

Mom comprehends that wrongly. ''Mithra, is your head paining again?''

''No mom, I'm perfectly alright'', I said little loudly.

Tarun, you are the starting point of everything. I must find a way to make him pay for his arrogance.

Whoa...what a innocent face? Here after I won't get fooled by this face.
I must start my revenge, even though it may look childish. I put fake smile, ''tarun, thank you for going to give me ride. As a token appreciation, eat idlly with my favourite chilly chutney. I put two big scoop of chutney in his plate''.

He stops eating and glared me. ''why, you don't like my mom's cooking?'' I asked him in faking sadness.

''Is that true? Then wait, ill prepare sandwich for you?'' Mom rushed

''No, don't need. It's very tasty''. He instantly convinced my mom. Yeah. My guessing is correct. He won't give up his good boy images that quickly

𝑰 𝒎𝒆𝒕 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang