Truth part 2

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Katie pov:
So for the past few days things have began to get tough Alexa still won't answer any off my calls or messages. It got to the point I even rang spencer and Meghan to see if she had been in contact with them it turns out that she hasn't spoken to anyone within the past 3 days so no one knows where she is or if she is ok. Yes Alexa is my best friend but even best friends hide things from each other I understand that. But I didn't think it was this much of a big secret and I can't believe she doesn't believe in me to keep it a secret.
While she has been gone I've found someone who really likes me and I really like him too. His name is Aidan and he supports me and has been there for me a lot these past few days. I haven't told Alexa this but it's the reason why sometimes I'm absent from school I have to see a therapist or all my Anxiety and fear. When I was younger things happened that I can't retell because I get so worked up I can sometimes have a panic attack. It's the main reason my mom hasn't been looking into having a relationship with other guys and is focused on me and jack we are all she has got. Alexa knows my parents are divorced and we don't see him anymore but she doesn't know why, the reason is because he was abusive not only towards my mom but also towards me. I never told Alexa because I was ashamed because I couldn't cope with it. I know Lori knows why though and that's why she checks up on me from time to time and why Dave is so careful around me and how he acts.
I always wondered if things had turned out differently would I have told Alexa by now. But there is also another reason why I haven't told Alexa about my past and that's because of my medical history the reason I was so upset when Alexa got sick with cancer months ago was because I had cancer when I was much younger and mom thought I was growing attached to her because of how it had affected me. I miss how much I rely on Alexa and I know I do. But the other day some couple was arguing in wired and it brought back memories and as it was closing time it was only me left, I had gotten so worked up that I ended up having a panic attack. What I didn't know was that Aiden had come back because he had forgotten his keys and had calmed me down and helped me so much. Since then we have been hanging out a lot especially after work.

Ok on the other hand I'm hiding the worst secret I could ever hide from Alexa and it's that I have a 4 year old son called Cameron. As I said the abuse was bad and it ended with Cameron being born I haven't told Alexa yet because I don't know how she would take it, Cameron is with my aunt in New York and whenever I go to visit him I feel more and more guilty about leaving behind again. Do I tell Alexa the truth and bring my son home or do I wait it out for another 2 years before I move to New York for college and look after him then. Im so torn I love Alexa like my sister but I also know that my son needs me it's also the reason I got the job so I could send money to my aunt for him, for him to know that I might not always be there but I will come and get him soon

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