Katie's truth revealed pt3

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Lori pov:

Sitting here with Katie was hard no one knew how much Katie had fallen and it's because she blames herself for all the things that have happened in the past she has told me that she feels like it's her fault and that she could have done something to prevent it from happening, however I didn't t think that it was this bad and I thought she was just having a rubbish week and thinking about Cameron so much and how much she wants him to come home.

No ones pov:

While Lori was with Katie back at home Alexa and Aiden had just got back to the house as Lori had messaged them saying that Katie is safe and she will bring her home soon. When they walked through the door Jennifer was on the phone to lily trying to explain that they may not come over the weekend as they had planned as they had to sort a few things out with Katie and she wants Katie to relax before she comes up and starts to feel like she has disappointed them again.

While Jennifer was on the phone, Alexa was getting more upset and confused then she has ever felt in her life, why was Katie going to New York this weekend and who else is with lily. Alexa knew that Katie has family all around the US but didn't know that she visited them often and that she didn't know someone in her family. Alexa just wanted Katie to come home so she can tell her that she is always with her no matter what.

After a hour Katie started to calm down after having another panic attack, Lori knew that she didn't want to talk to Katie about this because she just wants Katie to calm down for a bit but she also knows that she needs to treat them with the emergency first aid kit she brought out with her after speaking to Cameron. Katie looked at Lori with a knowing look that she needed to talk to her.

Katie just wanted to fly to Cameron and be with him and bring him home that's what made her happy she didn't think about all this when she was with him it disappeared from her mind and she felt calm. Her anxiety was still there but it wasn't as bad as normal without him.

Katie pov:

I knew that I needed to tell someone why I was doing this, but it hurts knowing that everyone thinks that I'm weak. Lori found me about 30 minutes ago and I've just cried the whole time I know she understands but she isn't the person that can make things better i know what I need to do and I need lori's help to keep things on the down low but I also know that I need to explain myself.

No ones pov:

"Lori ?" Katie started " can I ask a massive favour"

"Sure what's going on Katie" Lori asked a little relieved

"I know you want some answers and yes I'm ready to talk about everything but can you drive me to the hospital I need to see Dr Rachel Hudson" Katie said

"Sure Katie and you are correct I want answers so does your mom and jack but I know you and that's not the main thing is it" Lori said reassuringly

As they both male their way out of the tunnel and back into the car on the way to the hospital Katie continues

" no it's not the main one after this can you drive me to the airport I need to go and get Cameron he keeps me from going insane I know what I'm doing is wrong, but the reason I was doing it was because I felt like I wasn't good enough for him and also Alexa I always wondered why did she pick me as her best friend when I couldn't even keep my own child, and after that I want you to go home and tell my mom I'm safe and let her know what's happening Cameron is going to need the bed In my room for a little bit and can you and my mom explain this to Alexa I don't want to just turn up with my son after what's just happened" Katie stopped rambling as they got to the hospital.

" Katie you know that Cameron knows why you do what you do and we both know that while Alexa will be shocked she will understand trust me when I say I know that now let's get you to see Dr Rachel Hudson and get you on that flight to New York to get your baby boy and me and your mom will pick you up when you get back later tonight" Lori said

Walking through the hospital was something Katie had done before she had saw Dr Rachel Hudson many times without her mom knowing and she was finally glad that this is going to be the last time her seeing Katie with the cuts that she has made.

"Katie what have you done" a Dr came rushing over which Lori thought was Dr Hudson since Katie didn't flinch and turned around toward her.

"Rachel I couldn't help it I started feeling bad again and I let my mind take over but I swear this is going to be the last time that I'm going to be here for you to patch me up next time it will be for my therapy sessions with you I know where I'm going wrong and I'm going to sort it out I know I am stronger than this" Katie said without a doubt.

" good you know how much I care about you and I was worried when you didn't turn up this morning, but I guess that means Cameron is coming home doesn't it and remember if you need anything call me day or night you know this" Rachel said as she was dressing Katie's arms.

" I will see you soon Rachel and remember that I'm very great full for everything you have done for me and yes I'm going to get Cameron after this, but I've got to go Lori is in the waiting room waiting to drive me to the airport" Katie said happily.

Katie made her way out feeling lighter then she did this morning and realised that this chapter has ended and her new life is just about to begin. Katie and Lori talked on the way to the airport and Lori told her to message them when she was on her way back home.

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