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Sophie was growing more anxious by the second. She tried not to let it show on her face. It had been hours and yet there was no sign of the sign of the fight outside coming to an end. The noise was endless, the growling, the screaming. It set Sophie on edge. Her people were out there, dying. He could be dead. Sophie shook the thought from her mind. Thaddeus was alive, he had to be. Night had long since set, the full moon provided minimal light. Slats of silver streaming through gaps in the drawn curtains. The building had turned bitter, cool air biting against bare skin. Children were huddled under the few blankets they had. One blanket being shared between two or three children. Their teeth chattered, their little faces turned to the door wide eyes watching for any danger. An unfathomable pain filled Sophie as she watched them. This wasn't right. These children would never be the same again. 

"Luna," a small voice sounded, tugging Sophie's sleeve. Sophie started and looked down, a doe eyed girl stared up at her. Sophie lowered herself to the girls level, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her round face. 

"What is it?" Sophie prompted gently. 

"I'm hungry Luna, we ran away before dinner." The girls lower lip trembled as she fought to hold in tears. 

"It's okay," Sophie soothed, pulling her closer "don't cry." Her calm exterior successfully hid the panic  she was feeling. These children would have never missed a meal in their lives. 

"Lilliana!" a woman snapped, gripping the girls arm "I told you not to disturb the Luna!" The woman sounded harsh but Sophie could see the pure fear in the woman's eyes. Sophie didn't get a chance to speak before the child started to cry. A long high pitched wail. The other children followed soon after, their brave facades cracking one after another. There was too much noise, Sophie was panicking. The crying children would act as beacon to the Bitten. We're here, come and find us. She could hear the Lycan's outside growing restless, preparing themselves for the wave of bitten that was sure to come. 

"Okay, okay" Sophie called out, her voice light and gentle. As if they weren't hiding in an unlit storage hall. "I know it's scary okay but your Daddies and your Brother's are out there right now helping to keep you safe." This gained the children's attention. "They're working really hard to make the bad people go away but they need your help." Their cries slowed to hiccups. "We have to stay really, really quiet that way your Daddies will be able to keep the bad people away from us." The faces of the older children became set with determination. Stay quiet, stay safe. Sophie mulled the next words over in her mind several times before she spoke "Because you're all being so brave you deserve a treat," she paused breathing in deeply "I'll go and get you something to eat, okay?" The children nodded eagerly in response. 

"Luna, you can't go out there." Lilliana's mother spoke. The woman had to be at least thirty-five and still Sophie rested her hand on the woman's arm, smoothing her thumb over the bare skin. An act that suggested Sophie was more mature than her age conveyed.

"I'll be okay. The young ones won't stay quiet for long. They're hungry, they're scared. They will cry again and when they do I might not be able to stop them next time." Sophie bit back the shake in her voice "it's best to move whilst it's dark. There's a better chance I won't be seen. The house is right there." Sophie nodded in the direction of the main house. "I need you to help me whilst I'm gone. Tell them a story. Keep them entertained."

"Yes Luna," the woman bowed her head, accepting Sophie's words as final. 

Sophie was glad it was dark in the building. So the women couldn't see her fingers shake as she emptied medical supplies from a backpack. This was their best chance, for all Sophie knew they could be cooped up in the shelter for days, weeks even. She had to take care of them. Sophie stood at the door, glancing back at the children who were circled around Lillana's mother, enthralled in her story. Sophie opened the door barely wide enough for her to squeeze through. The Lycan by the door bristled, clearly unimpressed with Sophie's decision to leave. Still he made no move to stop her.

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