Chapter 2

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Kim Jisoo

So I was lying in the infirmary thinking about how far Jennie was from my usual type. Looks wise, she was so-so, but she wasn't extraordinary like Lisa was. What was she up to anyway? Yesterday she hated me, and now I was suddenly the love of her life? That girl had some serious issues.

The only reason I'd agreed to make her my girlfriend was to get close to Lisa again. I missed her. We hadn't spoken about us since the day she started hating me.

I needed to find a way to make her realize I was the only guy who'd really ever loved her. I'd always been there for her, but she never saw me as anything more than just a friend. We'd been close since we were kids, but just one mistake—and that's if it was a mistake in the first place—was enough to make her throw away everything we'd shared. I'd done it for her, and she didn't even know it. Now, thanks to her smarty-pants friend, I just might have another chance with her.

The only thing I needed to do was break her friend's heart.
Then she'd go crying to Lisa, and Lisa would have to talk to
me to mend things over. Of course, there would be conditions
in return. I'd do anything to make Lisa mine. I had no qualms
about using Jennie to win Lisa back.

And that idiot Taehyung was such a sad sap. Why was he so worried about that girl anyway? Did he like her? I smirked. Up until this point, I'd always believe he liked Lisa, but if he was into the nerd, then this was going to be really fun. I'd have Lisa and get revenge on Taehyung by having his girl too. I smiled in satisfaction before I closed my eyes to sieep.


I woke up half past six and saw a note waiting for me.

I came to wake you up but I didn't bother. You looked like you were having a good sleep and I didn't want to disturb you so I went home on my own. -Jennie

I frowned and crumpled up the note in frustration. Talk about being impatient. I'm disappointed in you, Jennie.

I grabbed my phone and scrolled through the contacts list before I realized that I didn't have her number. I had my butler do a search for her number and find out where she lived. Sure enough, Boris came through. I was surprised to find that she didn't live in one of her family's hotels.

The next day, I parked my car outside her Park Avenue home and couldn't help but be impressed. I got out, and the bellman let me inside. I made my way to the elevator and pushed the button for the penthouse. When the elevator doors opened, I walked towards the door of the apartment and a maid opened it before I could even ring the bell.

"How may I help you, sir?" she asked, batting her
eyelashes at me.

I smirked at her. "I'm here to pick up Jennie."

"Mr. Taehyung usually picks up Ms. Jennie," the maid said, confusion evident in her tone.

"Look," I said, lowering my voice and leaning closer. I knew the maid might be suspicious of me, so tried being charming "I wouldn't have come here if Jennie hadn't texted me. She's expecting me. Besides, I wouldn't want her to get mad at you for making me wait here." I maintained eye-to-eye contact and shot her a strategic smile. Gotcha.

"Yes, you may come in, sir. I'll just let her know you're here." She gave me a flirtatious smile in return. Talk about easy.

I stepped inside and scanned the area. Modern contemporary decor. Not bad. "Who are you?"

I turned, startled. A woman in a maid's uniform was staring at me with suspicion. "I'm here to pick up Jennie. Where is she? Call hernow, or we'll be late," I told her in a commanding tone.

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