Chapter 3

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Jennie Kim

Jisoo's move to make me jealous was a huge failure. As I walked through the halls, I couldn't help but feel a bit hunted since people kept on looking my way, Just as Jisoo predicted. Though thankfully no one tried to do anything more than stare and whisper.

Lisa and Taehyung had kept calling me all night, but I'd decided not to answer because I wasn't sure I could talk to them without blowing my cover. They knew me too well.

I was headed for my locker to get my things when my phone buzzed. Taehyung had sent me a message. He wanted to meet me at the courtyard during lunch hour. I could tell from the tone of his message that he wouldn't take no for an answer. I sighed. At least I had a few hours to come up with a plausible reason to convince him that I had fallen for Jisoo.

I would have to convince the person I was in love with, the one I'd wanted to confess my feelings to for ages that I was in love with someone else. I would have told Taehyung about how I felt before, but I knew he liked Lisa, and I didn't want to risk our friendship. Now it was too late.

The thought of my upcoming conversation with Taehyung worried me throughout my morning classes, so much so that I didn't really pay attention to anything other than the time ticking down toward lunchtime.

The thought of my upcoming conversation with Taehyung worried me throughout my morning classes, so much so that I didn't really pay attention to anything other than the time ticking down toward lunchtime.

When I got to the courtyard, he was already there.

"You're early," I said by way of greeting, offering him a smile.

"You decided to show up. I thought you wouldn't come.

"Never,"I told him. The thought of standing him up for anything was ridiculous. He smiled. The smile made my heart skip a beat, but I told myself to get a grip.

"Now care to explain everything? And I mean everything" He gave me one of his firm looks.

For a second there, I was lost. I didn't know how to put it. I didn't know how to start. How was I going to let in front ot the guy I Iiked for years and professing my likeness to another guy This was insane! I took a deep breath and prepared to lie through my teeth. "I know it was sudden, but I've liked Jisoo for as long as I remember. He's a really nice guy, once you get to know him."

Taehyung was understandably incredulous. "You're joking, right? Nice guy? He's toying with you, Jennie! Everyone knows that Jisoo's a player. He's just trying to get you—"

I cut him off before he could finish his sentence. I knew what he was going to say, and might totally agree with him, but that was not the point. "Jisoo may have a bad rep, but inside he is really sweet, Just misunderstood, I said. "He even picked me up today to drive me to school."

"I don't know what he did or said to you, but I'll do everything to prove that hes not the guy you think he is. He'll just hurt you, and i dont want to see you get your feelings hurt."

I'm already hurt, Taehyung, but this was my decision. I've made up my mind. I've set aside my emotions so that Lisa could have the love story she deserves.

"I'll be fine, Tae. No need to worry. If I get hurt, then it's part of life, right? When that day comes, will I have a friend's shoulder to cry on?" I smiled. This was for Lisa anyway. It wasn't really that much hard it seemed.

I was surprised when he reached out and took my hands in his." Jennie, I won't let him hurt you. I—there's something you should know. I know it's sudden, but please hear me out—"

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