|Secrets • 2|

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"Maybe you're the problem Y/N-shi." The girl with a bunny teeth said. Y/N looked down and trying to accept what Nayeon said.

"Right. I am the problem, I know. I just can't accept it. I have reasons, she have reasons, but the problem is we don't understand each other. You know the feeling of that Nayeon?" Y/N asked and Nayeon nodded.

"I have reasons, everyone has, but why.. just why.." Y/N sighs. Nayeon patted her back and smiled.

"Think positive. Try to take a break. I'm here I'm proud of you." Nayeon said even if she just rarely know Y/N, she just want to make Y/N smile.

"Thank you Nayeon." Y/N said and smiled. They heard a door opened revealing a confused security guard on it.

"Ah Ma'am Y/N? this building will close soon. Ah.. you should head home.." The security guard said.

"Let's go it's late now." Y/N said to Nayeon and they stand up.

"Ma'am?" The security asked in confused. Y/N looked at the guard and raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, nothing Ma'am have a safe ride." The guard said and smiled.

"So... where do you live? I will drive you there." Y/N asked in the middle of them walking.

"I'm not allowed to go home for some... reasons..." Nayeon said looking down. They went inside the elevator.

"Do you have boyfriend or something??" Y/N asked in confussion, she have no interests at her she just wanna help this girl.

"No. I broke up with my ex about a months ago. And today I saw my Ex and my bestfriend making out..." Nayeon replies at the girl beside her.

"Oh, sorry for that." Y/N said shortly avoiding the awkward atmosphere that will happened between them.

"It's okay. We're both wasted in our relationship." Nayeon said and smiled sadly.

"So I guess I will find you a hotel tonight or you can just sleep at my condo..." Y/N suggested not sure if she's allowed to invite her to her condo.

"Really? at your condo? if it's okay to you?" Nayeon asked and Y/N smiled.

"Of course." Y/N shortly said and looked at Nayeon. They left the ellevator and left the building. They went inside Y/N's car and left.


"Wow this is amazing... you know you remind me of someone..." Nayeon said as soon as they reach the condo.


"Nothing, it's just my ex." Nayeon said shortly and they head inside the condo. Y/N was greeted by the workers there and she greeted back only because she's in the good mood.

Y/N don't usually greet anyone when she's stressed or something.

"Good evening ma'am! ah where's Ma'am Mina?" A worker there asked causing Y/N to be annoyed a little. Nayeon pat Y/N's back to calm the stressed girl.

"Can't you see I'm with someone? I don't know, maybe you ask her." Y/N replies back coldly that made the worker shookt.

"Ah I'm sorry Ma'am. Have a nice night." The worker smiled and left them two quickly. They continued to walk until they reach Y/N's condo unit. She unlocked her condo and they went inside.

"Is this something random? I'm completely stranger to you Y/N, are you sure? what will your girlfriend think?" Nayeon asked. Y/N searched for her phone for about 5 minutes but and she remembered she smashed it.

"And Y/N, I have secret that you don't want to know." Nayeon continued.

"Yeah right. But I think I can trust you? well you saved my life, I'm about to jump there. Why will I not trust you if you care about my life?? Plus, everybody have deep secrets so as me Nayeon." Y/N replied causing Nayeon's cheeks to turn like a tomato. Y/N lend some clothes for Nayeon and she wear it after receiving.

"Uh you can sleep in my bedroom... I'm okay here I will just finish my unfinished works. Ah- if you're hungry, there's some foods in the table and in the refrigarator. And I have an extra toothbrush in my bathroom and extra towels, Goodnight." Y/N reminds Nayeon and she get her laptop to finish her works.

Nayeon can't say no to Y/N because Y/N completely said what she needs for a night.

Y/N ate some snacks before starting her work and changed some comfortable clothes.

Y/N oppened her television to hear some news about the weather or whatsover.

"As of now February 14, it's nice outside you can go outside and enjoy some of your favorite activities..." Y/N heard her television reporting the weather today.

"If I can enjoy outside... then why do I feel empty inside?" Y/N said between her work remembering her and Mina's conversation earlier.

" A new news happened earlier, A car crashed happened at XXXX and the victim was dead on arrival, Condolence for that girl's family..." Y/N heard the news again that made her look at her television.

Y/N became nervous after hearing that it's a 'she'. Y/N was worried about Mina, 'What if it's her?' 'What if it's because of our conversation earlier and she.... no this can't be' 'Should I call her? fuck it I don't have a phone now stupid me'. Many thoughts are living in Y/N's head now. And the fact that it's near to the bar that they usually hang out made her more nervous.

Y/N can't take it anymore and she get her keys. She checked on Nayeon and she saw her sleeping peacefully. She run outside and drive to Mina's house.

"Fuck fuck fuck this traffic!" Y/N shouted inside her car. She waited peacefully to evoid some trouble. She finally reached Mina's house and knocked aggressively.

"Mina? Mina?! Are you there?!" Y/N shouted outiside Mina's house and there's no responding. She tried to make some some loud noises.

"MINA! IF YOU'RE THERE OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" Y/N shouted as loud as she can that can wake Mina's neighbor.

Someone finally oppened the door revealing Mina who looks so pissed.

"What?!" Mina shouted at Y/N but it's not that loud. Y/N checked Mina and quickly hugged her.

"Sorry... I'm just worried I thought something happened to you... I love you..." Y/N said still hugging Mina. You can see at Mina's expression that she's annoyed.

"What the fuck is that Y/N?! we just talked earlier right? and now you're making a scene." Mina pushed Y/N, and tried to close her door again when Y/N stopped her.

"I'm sorry Mina! I'm just worried at you. You know that I love you right?!" Y/N cried and kneeled infront of Mina.

"I know that you love me, but I don't feel it anymore. Just please let's just take a break and I will comeback if I'm ready." Mina said not looking at Y/N and she closed the door.






To be continued....

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